
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:47:24
谁有新概念英语第二册mp3从第一课到最后一课,英音的.要有字幕!(非常重要),要下载到MP4上.不要视频.下载需要的软件最好大众一点的(次要条件).如及时、完全符合要求的有追加的悬赏. Close the windows before you leave the classroom.为何Close用原型,不用动名词? there is no such man as is called smith,such一般都跟a/an+可数名词单数但是这里为什么直接就单数呢? 前辈:.谁能告诉我COST CENTRE DISTRIBUTION 和COST ASSESSMENT 的区别和联系 文字 Can you give me a reason? 解答题数学六年级 句型转换 1.It took me 2 hours to do my homework.(同义句)句型转换1.It took me 2 hours to do my homework.(同义句)I___ 2 hours___ my homework.2.Many animals do almost nothing but breathe in winter.(同义句)Many animals ___ ___ in winter 英语翻译翻译为“........才......”的句式,是“我做完作业才花了两个小时”还是“我花了两个小时才做完作业” 好的给加分,我要全部 谁帮我把无趣的人生翻译成英文 一般现在时的谓语分为哪四种情况 英语中直接引语改成间接引语的时候如果主句谓语是一般现在时从句的谓语是不是也是一般现在时比如说"Does a friend always have to be a person?"The wirter asks us.这句如果改成间接引语 have 要变成 had 英语翻译Can you tell me ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )"film"? keep from doing 和 keep doing有什么区别 后面跟 from doing 的还有什么 We often use our () to chat with our net firends Cost unit 和 cost centre 的区别? 英语翻译benign condition sticking condition怎么翻译? 在什么条件下 翻译可以用介词in .condition吗? forming condition是什么意思-翻译forming condition是什么意思,怎么翻译?钢铁行业 怎么判断what do you do 和 what are you doing?没疑问句的 what you doing?是不是特殊疑问句 production cost center是什么意思 im so bored who wants to 什么是Production_cost? staircase production 翻译知道,具体是什么含义呢,怎么个定义方法? child as he is ,hi is really success这句话可以改成 as child he is ,hi is really success吗 it is really no of yours business__ i spent my vocation ,A in which Bwhere 选什么?什么情...it is really no of yours business__ i spent my vocation ,A in which Bwhere 选什么?什么情况下它们有区别.不要复制啊. l am very p____ with his answer,he is really great.拜托了~~~ 做英文简历时如英语水平:熟练 .如何用英语表达熟练proficient 是否可用?English ability:proficient 急,请求高人帮忙估算2011年6月18号的英语四级分数 快速阅读对了7个.听力的:前8个短对话对了5个,长对话对了6个,短文对了8个,复合式听写也就对了2、3个.仔细阅读的选词填空估计就对了2个空 作文 思念死去的人