
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:59:59
will agree to do what you require( )him.A to B from C of D for 请说一下这句话的语法现象 He will agree to do what you require of him.其中的what的位置好奇怪啊 平面磨床磨头主轴共振大.怎么修理?我有一款小型手动平面磨床,昨天刚刚把摸头换了一组轴承,现在震动特大, The tiger does not eat grass but the giraffe 1,does 2,eat 3,eats 4,does not选神?为什么?说理由啊 1 . What is the bus f_____ to London? 2.He is too s____ to apologize. Wang Lin is going to do what he (wants) to do.Wang Lin is going to do ___ ___ he wants to do.求括号内的同义词 How long have you been to ShangHai?For a year.有How long have you gone to ShangHai?语法对吗所有回答都不一样啊~我该听谁的~╭^^^╮{/ @ @ /}( (oo) ) ╭^^^╮{/-⊙⊙-/} ( (oo) )))) ))) Judging from what he told us he is honest.怎么翻译? 高温下哪些矿物质可以分解出氯气?(比如1000摄氏度)有没有卤族元素含量较高的廉价矿物质?且在高温时能分解出卤族元素或卤化氢?你提到的都是化学物质的名称,能不能举些含有这些 ——have you been a reporter For about five year s.A.How often.B.How old C.How long.C.How soon 物质可以分解出氯气 Almost one year as I have been here,I know little about it. What do people do on World Poetry 环己烯与氯气什么条件下加成? 什么有机物和氯气在高温下反应是在高温条件下反应,不是光照的取代它高温与氯气反应生成物质与氯气加成得到1,3-三氯丙烷 苹果的外观 te amo怎么发音 有关西班牙语véte的读音.是读“bei-dei”还是读“vei-dei”?不是说在词首的B,V 都读 /b/ 不要谷歌搜索的根据西班牙语的读音规则,bv在词首的应该读/b/音,个人觉得谷歌读错了,有没有西班牙 胸有成竹用英文怎么表达? 求教下面的话用英语怎么说啊,1、经韬纬略 胸有成竹1、经韬纬略 胸有成竹2、志存高远 用于超越3、高瞻远瞩 运筹帷幄4、一流设备 国际领先5、非常品质 有口皆碑6、强强联合 携手共进7、百 I hope that you tell me the answer to the question.这句话对吗?I hope that you tell me the answer to the question.这句话对吗? a,f,y,c,o,t,r组成英文单词 海蓝之谜香港价格;LAMER 面霜60ML,LAMER 眼霜,香港哪里买LAMER 便宜点啊 lamer怎么读?楼下的这个[læmə]读法我以前也这么读的,但有人说是错的,LAMER海蓝之谜,有人读“喇沐”救正解 西班牙语Te Quiero怎么发音?最好附上音频连接,谢谢. David ____ Shanghai for more than three months.A.come to B.has been to C.has been in D.has come to为什么 This is not really one park but several.主要是后面的那半句. David __ Shanghai for more than three months.A,came B,has been to C,has been in D,has come to I'm g___ there next year. 问句___will Mr white stay at Paris 答语:he is staying there___ next year A.how long in B.when,forC.how long ,until D.when about选哪个选项?为什么 you'd better answer that question in a lond(v ) Anyone can answer that question,---------?-----------填什么?A.can heB.can't theyC.can't heD.doesn't he