
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:48:47
铁,铜,镁,铝,锌,与浓(稀)盐酸.浓(稀)硫酸.浓(稀)硝酸反应方程式 铁 铜 铝 与硫酸,硝酸的反应条件与方程式?比如,酸的浓稀 ,温度 英语选择题(请说明理由)He was too busy to do any exercise at all until he turned 58. And he is much better______now than ever before.A. form B. conditon C. look D. shape 选哪个啊,请说明理由Tim ____ a pair of new shoes today .a.wears b.puts on c.in 对不起,我拿不准选择那个!He( )on the floor,his eyes looking straight at the ceiling and his hands( )under his head.A.lay still;crossed B.lied still;crossed C.laid still;crossing D.lay atill;crossing看起来lied和lay和laid 只要选择,马上上课了我! 英语选择,第一个回答, 连接句子.1.I see my mother.I feel very happy.(as soon as)2.It's New Year's Eve.Peple make resolutions for the new year(when)3.My Dad was reading newspapers.MY mother was watching TV.(while)4.People were singing.The band was playing.(while)改错. 曲线F(X)=X三次方+1上对应于X=1处的切线的斜率是? 简单的初二英语题啊!急~~He has much homework to do.同义句:He has _____ ______ _______ homework to do.-It is raining hard now.We can not play soccer today.-What a p______.根据首字母填词.拜托了哦~~~~ 已知曲线y=3的x次方 在过点P(0,1)处的切线斜率为 1.I like coffee.There is milk in it.(合并为一句) I like coffee ______milk ______in it.2.The Smiths are going to (New York on May 10).《对打括号部分提问》_____and ______ are the Smiths going?用括号内所给单词的适当形式 过原点作曲线y=e的x次方的切线,求切点坐标和切线斜率 This computer is much s______ and faster than the old one 双曲线x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 =1 与 y^2/b^2 - x^2/a^2=1 的离心率分别为e1,e2,则e1+e2的最小值为? 对于函数y=5x+6,y的值随x值的减小而_____.(2)对于函数y=1/2-2/3x,y的值随x值的____而增大 求函数y=√(x^4-5x^2-8x+25)-√(x^4-3x^2+4)的最大值加20以配方的式子:√[(x^2-3)^2+(x-4)^2]+√[(x^2-2)^2-x^2]用这个表示距离? 求函数y=(3xˆ2-5x)/(6x+3),x>1,的最值 1.已知月球半径约为地球半径的1/4,月球的质量约是地球质量的1/96,试求:(1)月球表面的重力加速度大约是多少?(地球表面的重力加速度g取10m/s2) (2)在月球上要发射一颗环月卫星,则最 英语选择题、请说明理由~We'll go on a field trip if it _______ this weekend.A.won't rain B.isn't raining C.doesn't rain\x05D.not rainBeijing is one of _____ in the world.Millions of visitors come to visit Beijing every year.A.beautiful citi 下列函数(1)C=2πr;(2)y=2x-1;(3)y=1/x;(4)y=-3x;(5)y=x^2+1中,是正比例函数的个数是__个. 当k=__时,函数y=2x^(k^2-3x-3)为正比例函数. 2013×2013-2013×2012-2012×2011+2012×2012的值是 爱情、感情、绝情是什么感觉?要认真回答 雷电颂中主人公呼唤风雷电表达了一种怎样的感情 男人所谓的有可能是什么意思,在某种感情上? 请说明理由1.The woman () blonde hair () the magazine looks good ()red .A.has,in,on B.has,on,in C.with,in,in D.with,on,in 2.The sentence ‘I really don’t know ()’is wrong.A.what should I call him B.what I should call him C.wh 有一道英语选择题,请说明理由I can't tell you anything ________ what you have known already. A. besides B. beyond C. but D. except for最主要的是理由 (请说明理由 )1.THe birds live in Zhalong .Which sentence structure is right for it?A.S+V B.S+V+DO C.S+V+P D.S+V+IO+DO2.Wodld you like to go birdwatching with me this summer holiday?A.No ,I can‘t B.Yes ,I’d like C.Yes ,I‘d love to D.Yes 初二上册物理综合试题快一点! 英语词汇填空题You see,he had a huge____of snakes(collect)是填collection吗? 1 小于同学的爸爸有个习惯,坐着思考问题的时候总会踮着脚,晃着腿.小于坐在爸爸身边写作业总有种听到爸爸晃腿声音的感觉.仔细听,又听不到,很烦躁.对此,你的解释是( )2 把小铃铛栓在线上,