
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:46:15
sos wood的用法everywhere man has cut down the forests in order to grow crops,or to use __wood as fuel请问为什么填THE ,WOOD作为木头不是不可数吗? 您好!grove,woods,forest 这3个单词都有“森林”的意思.有何区别?请举例. Concerto pour deux voix的中文意思是什么?Concerto pour deux voix……好听得不象话~很想知道歌名的中文意思~有谁懂法语的帮忙翻译一下~ Concerto pour deux 一首没有歌词的歌 Your Time Has Come 歌词 which one is the best answer?主语是?是which one,还是啊best answer 有说which one的,也有说是按陈述句来划分,用best answer . 一个直接引语转间接引语的问题.."I met her yesterday."he said to me.这句改成间接引语的话,yesterday一定要转成the day before吗?直接引语中虽然用的是过去时,但是如果事情发生在当天上午的话,用间接 “I met her yesterday.” he said to me.改为间接引语为什么有had呢? I met her yestery,"He said to me.''的间接引语怎么做 Your library card,please 是什么意思?RT, he says that he is busy he said that he was busy 这两个一个是现在进行时一个是过去时,怎么用呢? I'm fine where I am. 什么意思 would they all like to have a picnic 同义句转换 这个词怎么读Concerto pour Deux Voix这是一首歌的歌名,怎么读.帮我用国际音标标一下, 问一句英语的意思:Up or Down belongs to Case 2 as compared to Case 1“Up or Down belongs to Case 2 as compared to Case 1”这里的up是指case 2比case 1高还是case1 比case 原话是比较一个mRNA在两个case里的表达水平,如 Login First!, I think a good man,only the woman at his side know ls there a baby nearby?翻译成中文 We call it a calf A baby sheep is alamb There is a kid nearby 这三个句子怎么分别改成否定句和一般疑这三个句子怎么分别改成否定句和一般疑句? 修改英语作文.帮忙看看语法上的错误.并纠正.需修改文章:Hello!Everyone!Now I'm reading a book named Peter Pan,this book is very interesting.And I like reading it.I first met this this book because its movie.The movie about Peter 帮忙看看英语作文语法问题这图是我的英语作业,交上去之前希望大神们帮我检查一下语法上有设么问题没有,或者有其他什么需要改进的地方 he is Francisco改同义词 Who ____ has the same idea as it will do it in this way.A.who B.that C.whom D.which 为什么是B 这道题是在定语从句联系中出现的,能给出具体 Who ____ has the same idea as it will do it in this way.中the same as 是不是引导定语从句? Hello.Nice to talk with you in the phone.My name is Lawrence Dai( Mr Dai).I want an air compress请问翻译成汉语是什么意思? 大学英语情景对话(to start a business after graduation)以to start a business after graduation编一个5,6分钟的对话,四个人一组的 hello,I am Gina.this is a phone my Uncle sam’s f______.the w______in the photo is my un-cle’s w______.I call her A______Kate,She is a t______and she teacher English in NO.12 middle school.she is very Kind,and all the students 1______her very much 英语课本上的东西green travel;pink travel;blue travel;black travel;white business travel是什么意思 The k填什么 is jumping好心人帮帮忙,五年级下学期暑假园地 You`d better find someone to do this work quickly.同义句It`s best for you to ____this work ____ quickly nake&nude 和 sculpture&statue请教一下各组同义词的用法区别,我查了很久查不到,看你的了!