
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:41:48
move up and down等于哪一个单词 I'd go with you to the trip ,but I ___no time.本题出自何处此题的第一种语境应该是:If I had time now,(与现在的事实不相符的虚拟条件句)I would go with you,but I have no time now(现在的真实情况),所以,我认 I'd go with you on the trip , but I _ no time. A. have B.had C.have had D. had hadI'd go with you on the trip , but I _ no time. A. have B.had C.have had D. had had 请给一个详细的解释,谢谢 I saw many places of interest with my own eyes.翻译 翻译Linda also went to many places of interest in Hong Kong 描写真实战斗场面故事 求翻译:这座小城因它的食品而闻名.(well known) 陋室铭一词多义 陋室铭的一词多义(可以跟之前的结合)多一点,跟前面的结合可以包括桃花源,十个以上!谁多给谁!(不能跟爱莲说结合在一起)!只能是前面的也不是古今异义,而是一字多义,以陋室铭中 陋室铭所有一词多义. 新概念英语2第二十一课答案 a meaning of my father’s 和a meaning of my father意思有何不同 名词双重所有格:I like this watch of my father's.与I like my father's watch .两句话相等么?第二个句子正确么.请一并回答.谢谢 There ______ a football match next week.A.will have B.is going to have C.is going to be D.was going to be There ____(be)a foodball match next week. Try to get used to the habit of never used的中文意思如题 Just use this room for the time being,and we’ll offer you a larger one as soon as it becomes available.怎么解释"Just use this room for the time being"这个being怎么解释是什么用法 Just use this room for the time being ,and we'll offer you a larger one ____ it becomes available .A.as soon as B.as far as C.until为什么选A不选C,请详解, Just use this room for the time being,and we'll offer you a larger one _it _becomes available.for the time being是什么意思,做什么成分 我想知道这句话用英文怎么说:你可以用MSN与我通话/交谈 They are all _____ .A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese 漓江上的九马画山是怎么形成的?真有九匹马?没亲眼目睹觉得都是乱吹水, 桂林九马画山的传说? 桂林的山水真的很美吗?有什么特别的景观呢? I believe we will be ...I believe we will be foreve . I believe we will be excellent是什么意思 you tube l-tube是什么 Life you want with me Why do you want to break up with me?的意思 I want to make it easy to bank with us这句话怎么理解?