
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 08:01:26
有哪些动词不能用在现在进行时态中? you are the one makes me Smile,like you've never been hurt before 要乘几路车,你乘3路车能到那.英文 乘的英文怎么写 《突然的自我》该怎么写主持词?这个节目的引导词该怎么写? 个性主持词怎么写?要参加主持人比赛,要进行一段个性主持, 年会主持词怎么写? 主持词怎么写正式晚会。 快期末了,我们音乐老师有个习惯:在期末时举行一个才艺展示,好让同学们缓解压力,这次的才艺展示又是由我操办,能不能帮我写一下主持词呢?特别是开头和结尾的!(四个主持人,请用甲乙丙 我们的竞赛英语题目`来看看吧`?Communication is very important in our life.It is a brideg______the old and the young.A.across B.through C.between D.among 我看到答案上写的是C,我觉得应该是D.thanks a lot!` 自己看题, The lions come from South China.的问句是什么? 迎五一庆五四征文急~!速度要是就绝对给分要1000字的谢谢了啊 庆祝建国60周年暨五四运动90周年英语演讲稿 you are the one for me l think stands alone in your heart the mose impont position His name's Mike.的同义句 进来看看这个句子对不对,有错的话请指出,解释下,谢了~~My opinion is whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends.请问有语病吗?有语病的话请更正,解释下这一类表语从句的用法,谢了 英语句子中如果没有动词是不是要加助动词am is are “霸业可成,汉室可兴”应该采取哪些策略 诸葛亮认为霸业可成汉室可兴应该采取哪些策略 下面的句子错在哪里?The boss spoke highly of such features as loyalty,courage and truthfulness shown by his employees. 下面这个句子错在哪里?어머니께서 오후 3시에 도착하는 비행기로 가실 거예요.另外就是 가르ᒢ Jack and his mother are (happy),对括号部分提问 cannot和can't用法的区别 Does Jack and his mother like this picture?拿错啦 can't和cannot用法一样吗,还是有区别 求高手解释can't和cannot的区别.如题. cannot 和 can't 的区别 维语 eyteng lar ga muarak 急 Seeing the boss ____ toward them,the workers stopped ____.A.come; working B.coming; to work C.come ; to work D.comes; to work in praise of意思是什么