
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:05:05
人如何与自然和谐相处? 人应该与自然和谐相处,有何意义? 大家给份世博会的英语介绍 我最喜欢的科目是数学,但是她最喜欢是英语.请翻译一下.快! 我喜欢数学学科,英语作文怎么写? 数学是约翰最喜欢的学科【用英语怎么说】 她最喜欢的科目是英语和数学用英语快 是cheer them up还是cheer up them Matt and charlie's friends are there to watch the race and cheer for them.Look!charlie is ridingwell.怎么翻译? 英语翻译请会的人来答,不要复制再用网上的那个翻译,我试了直接不准 (Some of) my classmates (volunteer) to (sing) the old people to (cheer them up).括号内有错的是?改正, 小学生必背古诗75首 送别诗(全部) 若2^x+3*3^x+3=36^x-2,求x的值 入团申请书结尾那个“此致,敬礼,申请人:xxx,xxxx年x月x日”格式怎么写比如:此致空几格写,敬礼在此致下面哪里写……以此类推 16/(a^2)+9/(a^2-25)=1 高中数学,化解式子 The ass and his purchaser ●A man wanted to buy an ass.He went to the market,and saw a likely one.BThe ass and his purchaser●A man wanted to buy an ass.He went to the market,and saw a likely one.But he wanted to test him first.●So he took the as A man wanted to an ass.He want to the market,and saw a likely one .But he wanted to test him first.翻译 A man wanted to buy an ass .He went to the market,and saw a likely one. 有没有关于母爱的文章?急需,因为作业要用~ A man wanted to buy an ass 我把入团志愿书上写错了几个字用了6处修正带,会怎么办,而且我把写的格数写满了,能在格外写此致敬礼吗快啊,要是,明天才有答案的话,麻烦给我发短信,13310397255,我明天上课 古诗词情景交融的句子一例,写一段200字的鉴赏文字. It was February 10 the day before yesterday(改成特殊疑问句)____ ____ ____ ____ the day before yesterday? #include int fun(int n,int *s){int f1,f2;if(n==1IIn==2)*s=1;else{fun(n-1,&f1);fun(n-2,&f2);*s=f1+f2;} return 0;void main(){int x;fun(6,&x);printf("%d\n",x);}这个题的求解过程详解 4句以下送别诗只需内容,顶多4句 What would do you like?的同义句?Can I help you?的同义句? It was cloudy yesterday.根据答句写出问句. It was cloudy and cool yesterday( 对cloudy and cool提问) #include #include main() {double a,b,c,q,w,e; q=((-b)+sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a); w=xiexie It was cloudy and windy yesterday.(划线提问)(划在 cloudy and windy ) It,was windy and cloudy yesterday.对windy and cloudy画线.