
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 20:06:35
什么动物骨头是跟人骨头一模一样的 人的骨头与动物的骨头有什么区别本人挖房基地的时候挖到了很多骨头如何鉴别岂不是人骨?还有一到两丈多长的石墙. 两根铁丝分别为48m和32m,现在将两根铁丝剪成相等的小段,最长是多少米? 两根铁丝长分别为48米和32米,现在将这两根铁丝剪成相等的小段,并且没有剩余,剪成的小段最长可以是多少米 把长14m和48m的两根铁丝,截成同样长的小段,不许剩余,每段最长多少米?一共能截成多少段? 培育三倍体西瓜第二年,给三倍体植株授以二倍体的花粉,作用是,____________三倍体西瓜无子的原因是__________________________- 青岛印刷杯子的地方 哪里可以在杯子上印刷logo? 青岛哪里印刷杯子,我要在杯子上印刷上公司的logo. 我们晚上看到的星星究竟有多大? 我们夜晚看到的星星大体包括什么? the man stand there ,her sharp eyes___on my faceA fix B being fix C fixed D fixing写出选与不选的解释, close the eyes of your face and open the eyes of your hands. 一个正方体容器的棱长为两分米放入一个西红柿后水面升高了零点一分米这个西红柿的体积是多少 世界上最大和最小的洲分别是哪个洲? 世界最大和最小的洲是哪俩个洲求你了 小学三年级语文上对对子山清对什么 对对子:成功对( ) 厌氧好氧生物处理适合的水质 日本为什么要南京大屠杀对南京大屠杀的看法也行200——300 想送变色马克杯给朋友,需要加工一下杯子上的图.下载了美图秀秀怎么弄也觉得不好.谁能给个建议?不知道照片加上去成什么样的效果了. 改正缺点扩句 以下哪几句是错误的句子,请改正It was his first day in the mountains that winter.The mist was thickening as darkness fell.Being only a five-minute walk to the village,there was no reason to feel afraid.He picked up his shopping basket and 果实由母本决定,为什么还会产生三倍体西瓜 三倍体无籽西瓜为什么一定要用四倍体作母本? 有9个口在上的杯子,每次将8个杯子同时翻转,请说明:无论经过多少次这样的翻转,能否将所有的杯子口朝下?为是说明,不是为什么 桌上有9只杯子,全部口朝上,每次将其中6只同时翻转,请说明无论经过多少次这样的翻转,都不能使口都朝下 桌上有9只杯子,全部口朝上,每次将其中6只同时翻转,请说明无论经过多少次这样的翻转,都不能使9只杯...桌上有9只杯子,全部口朝上,每次将其中6只同时翻转,请说明无论经过多少次这样的翻转, 改正下列各句中的错误1、It's nice to see those nice boy at work.2、Does he goes bome at six o'clock in the evening?3、Who wants to ao by the train?4、Does he be at home now?5、I come home on half past seven every day 改正下列每句中的一处错误1.He has small eyes and short hairs .(_____)2.I haxe a round face and small eye.(_____)3.We are in same school.(_____)4.We have a nice house but a happy family.(_____)5.Dose she has a cell phong?(_____) 改正下列句子中的错误1. Not sit over there.2. Be not angry with me.3. Don’t please look at me.4. Let me to help you要快,谢谢了 下列每句中有一处错误,找出来并改正1.It spent him about two days to finish reading the book.2.Did they held a sports meeting last week?3.You had better don't watch TV any longer. 改正下列句子中的错误,1.Don’t tie your horse on the tree.2.An accident was happened to him yesterday.3.The rain stopped us to come in time4.He has done a lot of works.5.I'll go to see you after a few days.6.I'll give you two week's time to