
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:59:26
Ah,it's a secret翻译 英语翻译如果把句子变成主动,应该是什么? 我的天空今天有点灰.你能让他变蓝吗?亲爱的.英文怎么说 如果车子变少了,我们就会拥有一个更蓝的天空 英语用英语怎么说We will have a bluer sky if the cars fewer. 那里空气清新,天空非常的蓝,景色非常漂亮.用英语怎么说 ..就等到1点25!1.A:what day is it today B:what day of ______ _________ is today2.那个男孩所做的事情给我们留下了深刻的印象we _____ _______ ________ _______ what the little boy had done. There are seven ( ) in a rianbow.( rianbow指彩虹)Here is a rianbow .( ) it in different ( )( different指不同的) 1) He seemed to enjoy him self ( ) the end.A:at B:in C:to D:on2) Turn the French toast ( ) You should fry it on both sides .A:on B:off C:over D:out3) –How much is your watch --It ( ) 80 dollars .A:is worth B:worths C:is worthing D:worth4) –Mum,my 英语翻译 找一首英文歌,when the sun歌词好像有“when the sun” "to be hurt everywhere" "than will rain""trouble through." 本人英文不好,女歌手唱的,抒情柔和情歌 这首歌是游戏的背景音乐,来自实况2009WEYX4.0,混编在MC的 大家知道一首英文歌女生唱的,后半部分一直貌似是calling calling calling~开头前几句好像有句music her like my old~囧 一首男生英文歌,只要歌词第一句,when the day are cold the car all for the. When the wind was so cold这句中文什么意思呢? 英语翻译请帮忙把USD48620.25翻译成英文 英语翻译就是像这类有小数点的用英语表示出来不会,英语听力听过来感觉可以翻译成很多种。请大家列举清楚, 这个礼帽花了我25美元 用英语怎么翻译 please can you keep my secret 英语:Please keep the secret _____ you and me. Please keep it secret ,don't tell()其他的people about it为什么 不是the others Please keep the secret,don't _____ it ______.用give的短语填空 请一定告诉我,我一定严守秘密怎么翻译 ____ ___me about it,please.I will keep it a dead secret 给定一个英语单词不给音标是否一定可以非常准确读出来!急求答案! 读英语单词依赖音标怎么办,没有音标有时会读不出来? 25.81美金怎么翻译成英文 The weather is cold and snowy.( 对cold and snowy提问)( )( )the weather? In winter,the weather is cold and_____(snow)In winter,the weather is cold and___(snow/snowy).两个选一个! 应该说the weather is wet and cold 还是the weather wet and cold? weather,cold,is,the(.) 连词成句 How is the weather it is cold and ____(snow) 英语"我爱你 "的强调句.it's i that love you 这么说可以么 It's So Obvious That I Love You 歌词 It's not my mistake that I love you