
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:45:21
崔琦是中国人吗 在古代如何夸奖别人谦虚? 如何谦虚的对待别人的赞美 Ben has a computer.改为否定句. 崔琦的眼泪为什么杨澜说这是一个感人至深.结局令人惊讶的故事 崔琦和杨澜都流下了眼泪,他们的心情一样吗?感人心者莫先乎情是什么意思崔琦是一个世界名人,本文向我们展示了龙的传人 德语 在被别人称赞时,表达感谢和谦虚时分别怎麽说比较合适?比如有人称赞我:“你德语说的真不错!”我想表达谦虚时怎么说.表达感谢时怎么说. His sudden ( )(死)made me very sad,词形变化. 翻译:及时的回复别人的信件是有礼貌的it is polite to reply _____ ______ in time 一道数学题,重点思路.一堆棋子按一下规律排列:(×表示黑子,○表示白子)×○××○×××○××××○×××××○……请问如此下去,前2005颗子中,有多少个○? 我说了一句keep settle,我同学指点我说是keep settled,注意被动.我想知道为什么要被动形式不过我一想觉得好像加ing更妥.为什么是被动呢?哪位英语高手来指点一下谢谢他说keep going,dont settle.我 正确追加30分!请说明原因( )1.I have a sweater ____________ blue A.for B.at C.of D.in( )2.― Mike ,_______ like tomatoes for dinner A.do you B.are you C.is he D.does you ( )3.Maria likes documentaries _______ cartoon,______ she doesn't like 英语翻译为什么是用settle?不是stop?settle有停止的意思吗? 佛山市南海区和顺一中小升初题目麻烦给来看看 佛山南海区和顺一中2011-2012小升初是不是只考数学和英语我马上要考佛山市南海区和顺一中了,我同学说和顺一中只考数学和英语想验证一下 we are looking forward______(meet)our new teachers and new friends There is no getting along with her.翻译下注,后面同义句转换中 It is _____ _____ get along with her.(同义转换) 答案是impossible to there is no way ______with him.getting along 还是 to get along正确答案是getiing along.这两个选项有什么区别? 英语:有两个宾语时介词的用法比如说He put on a coat and a pair of shoes.就是 动词 + 介词 + A & B 有两个宾语那么第二个名词前面要不要再加一个介词有要加的和不要加的,分别是什么情况?再比如说 whom做介词宾语时不可以省略?1.The man with whom I work is very hospitable and sincere.2.The man whom I work with is very hospitable and sincere 一.这两句中whom是不是都是做work的介词宾语?二.第二句The man whom I work with 是'learning English BY SEE A FILM'还是'learning English by seeing afilm' 哪个ktv有because of you 这首歌的 洛阳哪个ktv有凯莉唱的because of you这首歌的? chat的三单 chat的进行时 we do it,come rain or shine.我是初学着,希望哥哥姐姐帮忙we do it ,come rain or shine 中的come 是什么成分?如果是谓语动词,那么一个句子有两个动词的,如果是过去分词,那么come rain or shine 就是作状语,是 英语翻译My name is Vagner Augusto.I'm from Brazil and I'm planning to open and toothpick industry.I have all the machines I need,except one.I need a machine that packs paper boxes.I saw your machine on the internet.Please,just let me know the pri .You will not have to keep looking at the clock so you do not oversleep.翻译 谁晓得手机内存卡坏了,但是里面的数据很重要,怎么办? 会的人说下嘛,本人先在此感谢各位了眩9 请问一下有谁知道手机内存卡坏了,但是里面的数据很重要,怎么办? 会的人说下嘛,本人先在此感谢各位了泪2 英文翻译:他们是在2001年结婚,三年后有了孩子 问一下手机内存卡坏了,但是里面的数据很重要,怎么办? 会的人说下嘛, 问一下手机内存卡坏了,但是里面的数据很重要,怎么办? 会的人说下嘛,本人先在此感谢各位了榨9 英语翻译"It's also very clearly an effort on the part of the government in Ankara to change the political equation and to bring much greater pressure to bear not only on the Assad regime itself,but on the international community about what is at 지워졌다,사라졌다 내 지워졌다,사라졌다 내 가슴에 니가 죽어 모두 타버렸