
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:17:57
the reason is that English has a large vocabulary.这个句子具体都有哪些知识点? 沉鱼落雁是什么意思? 人体中锌多或少了会怎样?铅和铁呢? I hope my family our hoilday in Hainan during Spring Festival this year.A are enioying B are to enjoy C will enjoy D will be enjoying 选什么,理由. my family __ __ __at the spring festival every year 每年春节我们家都包饺子 高老师没有时间看电视^my family __ __ __at the spring festival every year 每年春节我们家都包饺子高老师没有时间看电视miss gao ___ ___ _ 《Hom did i spend spring festival》and《My New Year's Resolution》 小学的英语怎么教 一个男人对你说:我发现不知不觉的你已经成为我生活不可缺少的一部分了. 小学农村英语要怎么教? My uncle bought me an iphone for my ___ birthday.A.twelve B.twelfth C.the twelve D.the twelfth 可不可以帮我想一个好听的英文名?我的名字中有一个颖字,是个女生 you,why,play,them,with,don't,go to(连词成句) 石膏的种类石膏分为哪些种类呢?有些叫熟石膏,有没有生石膏?熟石膏是做什么用的? 石膏指的是什么,都有什么种类? 石膏的种类有哪些? 纸面石膏重量一块3000*1200*12的纸面石膏板质量大概多少? The whole family were having their dinner with the door ______.A.to be closed B.was closed C.closing D.closed 初三怎么学习英标我在初一初二的时候上英语课根本不听讲,想在到了初三知道了学习的重要性,英标一个都不会,背起来单词来非常的难,1个小时都背不到20个单词,我给怎么办啊! when he called me.I ( ) dinner.A had B have C am having D WAS Having2.Lucy is ( )and she does anything ( ).A .rudely ,careful B.rude ,carefully C.rudely ,carefully D.rude ,careful 3.Come in and ( )a seat please.A give B.take C.sat D.buy 中国小学的外语课都是教英语吗?如题,就是说国家有没有明确的规定出 小学外语就是英语. 小学学什么式英语.小学学什么式英语?中学.是美式英语还是英式英语?依次回答.不要捣乱. She ___ a Swedish student.She___ aFrench student intelligent、clever和bright的区别和用法 My bike is broken.画在broken下面要怎样提问?What's _______ _______ your bike? My bike is broken.对broken提问___ ____ ____ with your bike? -Would you mind tell me your address?- _A.You're welcome B.Certainly notC.The same toyouDYes,please smart 和 clever 的区别 求水处理管道用进口蝶阀公司目前有一水处理项目,需用到较高要求的蝶阀,法兰连接,口径DN250,压力PN10左右,耐腐蚀,金属硬密封电动执行机构. 谁有《黑客帝国2》和《黑客帝国3》的视频?收到邮件后会另有悬赏!100~ family作主语时什么时候用单数什么时候用复数?附:The whole family has the flu.这句family 肯定是指家庭成员啊,为什么还用单数?难道我记错了?那我怎么清楚他是想强调个体还是整体啊,如这句话我 My family是单数还是复数? 求推荐一些有鼓点节奏感好的英文歌就像Staring At You-Diane Brich 这首歌 听过的应该知道吧!求推荐啊