
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:36:03
in today's show,there are 10 contestants here.they are coming form different classes.怎么翻译 连词成句(对话形式)washing,dishes,the,mind,you,would,I'll,OK,it,do,away,right would you mind not opening the windowi改为祈使句 为什么密度小的液体总是浮在密度大的液体上面?这个定律有条件限制吗?(比如说在体积相同的情况下?) 有没有发生在身边的诚实守信的故事.400字.6篇谢谢 With the Olympics and EXPO held in China ,the part that China __in the world is becoming more andmore important .A .piay B takes .C.holds D.makes ,真的很想把英语学好. 一起去踢球怎么样,用英语怎么说请过来见见我的家人 亚马逊河在哪里 现在你的生活处于什么样的状态,求分享! 亚马逊河是在哪里的谁说的才是真的。那么都不一样的。谁可以给详细点最好有图片谢谢 亚马逊河在哪 Would you mind ( )rubbish everywhere? Sorry, I won't.A. don't dropB. not dropC. not dropping为什么 我们一起去踢球吧用英文怎么说 I have never seen so beautiful a garden.I have never seen____ ____ ____ ____.I want to look after myself when I'm older.I want to ____ ____ ____myself when I ____ ____. 英语翻译I'm gonna pop some tags,only got twenty dollars in my pocketI'm,I'm,I'm hunting,looking for a come up,this is fucking awesomeWalk into the club like what up?I got a big cockI'm just pumped up off some shit from the thrift shopIce on the f 中国现在的各等级陆军军衔的英文翻译! 它名字翻译成英语 海军航空兵的军衔英文怎么翻译?比如上校是captain还是colonel? 看不懂啊 亚马孙河在哪? 用英文翻译土豆丝的方法把土豆切成丝然后在锅里加油把土豆放入锅中炒,加盐炒完倒入盘子中 英文版土豆丝的做法? 油煎土豆丝用英语怎么说 what"re the differences about the life style between elderly people and younger ones?帮忙回答一下.不要翻译,帮我回答一下,这是个问题。 Anewer this question in English. Jim likes to do the same things as she ____.(do)是填does还是did?为什么?为什么撒? 萧伯纳的言外之意是什么?一次,萧伯纳应邀参加一个慈善团体的舞会.会上,他邀请一位身份平常的慈善团体女成员跳舞.这个女子不好意思地说:“您怎么和我这样一个平凡的人跳舞呢?”萧伯 萧伯纳的言外之意有一天,萧伯纳应邀参加了一个丰盛的晚宴.席间,有一青年在大文豪面前滔滔不绝地吹嘘自己的才能,不可一世.起初,萧伯纳缄口不言,洗耳恭听.后来,他愈听愈觉得不是滋味.最 you only belongs to me you only belong to me you belong to me only you belong to only me You are just the one for me哪句最正确?或者最常用? can you only belongs to me?以上什么意思. This life you only belongs to me “变的好些”用英语怎么说英语 他在英语方面帮了我很多,现在我好多了用英语怎么说he --- me a lot ---my english and I --- --- ---now