
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:45:24
We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into_.(Afact Breality Cpractice Ddeed )说出理由 I have worked out the plan and I must put it into pratice 帮我把这个翻译以下呗! 短句合并成单句------(------(1)蚁族,并不是一种昆虫族群.(2)蚁族,是指大学毕业生低收入聚居群体.(3)之所以将该群体名之为蚁族,是因为这个群体和蚂蚁有许多相类似的特点:高智,弱 用关系代词将下列的两个短句合并成一个长句子.答对再加50.1.Tom lost a shirt.The shirt cost him a lot of money.2.We like to eat the fruit.Mother bought the fruit last night.3.The nurse always comes to work very early.The nurse we 16.Would you like to talk about something the major (MBA)you learn? Talk about what you’ve learn about Beijing 改错 Lily is f___today,so she can go for a walk 在中国银行用人民币兑换美元在用美元兑换欧元可以吗?有什么相关费用以及注意事项? 校园小品短剧主持词只要中间串词就可以 a life about my family 英语作文 The following ideas will help you find meanings in your life every day,so you can't wait to get up in the morning and see what the day will bring.这是整一句话, 班级要搞英语短剧,我需要主持人的串词,急我们的短剧是白雪公主,串词主要是欢迎大家,介绍短剧的内容,最后感谢观看,并欢迎大家提意见什么的 新概念英语同步测试AB卷第二册Test6答案版本主编是周婷,是新版! want sb to后面接do sth还是doing sth 日本语法型【罗马音】的英文名我的名字叫惜言,现在用的是yui,麻烦想一个跟我名字读音相近的英文名.还有,中文注释 求大神帮我按照 董辉 设计个罗马音或者英文名 里面的亡夜.斐.毁卡 的日问名.英文名以及罗马音是?如题 do you ____ the idea that life is fair?这里为什么用agree with 而不用agree to on board the plane中plane做什么成分 在飞机上是“On board the plane”,过去式是什么?就是这件事已经过去了 on plane与on the plane的区别 译Hurry up.it is time that we got on boar(the plane)谢 “珍惜每一天,努力过生活”翻译成英语. 珍惜生命 健康生活的英语,不用翻译程序的 Who _____fishing in your family?My father ______ 英语问答题:Who is the heavies in your family?能否用“It’s my father."回答? many young people in the west areMany young people in the West are expected to leave (what)could be life's most important decision -marriage-almost entirely up to luck这句话意思我大致理解 请问为什么括号内不能用which?which是 jason mraz 的plane的歌词不要翻译狂爱啊~ 翻译lattice planelattice plane提示:化学文献中的一个词 关于CRYTAL PLANE的中文翻译 “珍惜家人的爱” 英文翻译 用罗马音来取英文名?我的名字叫刘亚娜