
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:52:02
为什么成都下雨 重庆晴经常看到天气预报里说成都 阵雨 但是重庆却是晴 为什么呢?2个地方离得那么近 而且又没有高山阻挡. 明天重庆开县下雨不 明天重庆中山四路(渝北区)会不会下雨? 明天重庆市渝北区会下雨吗? You'd better not keep the door open中为什么open不用加ing? The door keeps open 和 The door is open .意思是不是一样的?句子类型主要有两类; 主谓结构 ,系表结构,分别是怎样的? the door is open是什么语法结构is后面不是应该加动名词吗 请进!门市开着的为什么说 The door is open而不是opening呢 Five minus three___two.A.is B.are C.am D.were A box of pencils thirteen yuan选择题A,are b,is c, six minus three ____ three Six minus three_____three.请说明原因 I am thirteen.=I __ __thirteen__ __. We have a basketball,该一般疑问句,做肯定回答 we have a basketball.怎样改成疑问句和否定句 we have got a basketball yesterday ,____?反意疑问句高手们这题如何做呀 they have a basketball game each year(改为一般疑问句)____ they ___ a basketball game each year? 十万火急 being+ 动词过去分词为什么还要加ing she didn't like English,did she?___she read and write it everdayA:yes ,she didB:no ,she didn;t what do you think of fast food 英文作文.100词 I'dlike ____ ____ you Chinese,and I think you can hlep me ____ my English. 用2,3,4在配一个比这三个数都大的数(),使四个数组成比例 动词ing形式的被动式与过去分词的区别过去分词带有被动含义,现在分词带有主动含义,那么being done,having been done与done区别在哪?如:Having been shown the lab,we were led to the library.能否用Shown the lab替 she doesn't know how to read or write(改为肯定句) she doesn't know how to read () write这里要用and 还是or i not know how to read and write before i go to school中not know和go的动词形式 2011年12月份的英语四级,河北省的,发短信怎么查啊,发送什么短信,号是多少啊 2011年计算机四级成绩怎么查不了 五张纸上分别写着数字1、2、3、4、5,从中任取两张,其中一张上的数的整数倍的可能性为多少? discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future用英文表达写不少于四个的预测. 18,When Lily was three, she could____ read____ write.选哪个?选c的话为什么不选a?哦,呵呵 A. not; but B. not; andC. neither; nor D. either; or 英语中,游泳(swim)的过去是什么