
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:13:58
一Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends,will you?Don't let the children eat a lot of sweets,shall we?这组句子后面的附近疑问词为什么会不同?语法书说不是只有let's的时候才用shall 还有这里为什么不能 "I got the barber to cut my hair yesterday"变成被动语态 西游记是什么体小说 西游记是一部长篇什么体小说 文学小说,西游记的简介西游记中,为什么要描写天堂的景象而且写得金碧辉煌,这有什么作用有没有与当时的社会现象有关吗,是为了衬托什么吗想要探讨 命 查字法 先查 再查 读音还有源字 求与命相同读音的字!字典忘了带! 我们问了谁?英语翻译 正确 欧洲最早的文学形式是什么 中华民族的文学最早以什么形式出现? 英语情景交际!关於深圳5年级下册暑假篇中的英语最后一页!按照5年级怎么写就怎么写 你想问别人昨天是否把所有窗户都关好了.该怎么说?你想告诉别人台风来了,不要出去,很危险.该怎么说? 情景交际 根据对话内容,从所给的七个选项中选出最佳选项,是对话内容完整.(有两项为多余选项)选项:A.Are there any tickets on sale?B.I am searching for information on the Internet.C.We can listen to his music o 四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖描写的是什么地方的景色? 高一英语daily report,内容不限,但要有明确的主题,最好带问题,内容积极向上. 求一篇daily report我是高中生,要求daily report 的内容与近日的社会热点有关,最好取材新闻.演讲时间4—5分钟, 情景交际法 英语怎么说 直接法,听说法,自觉实践法,交际法用英语怎么说 英语情景交际 What does Li Yifei usually do on sundays?回答 What do you usually do _____Sundays?中间填什介词? 英语情景交际A:I want to f____ a part-time job during the summer vacation.W____ about you?B:Me too.But I don't know what j___ I can get.A:Finding a good part-time job is v____ different.It t____ me almost a w____ week to find the job last What do you usually do on Sundays?I visit my parents.为什么答句不加visit前不加be动词 英语,情景交际 英语的情景交际,选什么,谢谢 一道英语情景交际----I think you'd better type this again before Mr.Smith see it.----Oh,dear!____A,Who cares?B,No problem C,I don't mind it at all.D,Is it as bad as that?选哪个,为什么? I have many good friends,_____ Mary,Lily and you.(include) 宾语从句陈述语序宾语从句是陈述语序吗? 怎样写寓言 英语关于宾语从句语序的问题好的……这个句子一直分不清……I didn't know -----------------------------A .what the matter was with him B.what was the weather likeC.what had happened to him D.what was the date that day当初选 宾语从句用陈述语序的疑惑Can you tell me who the girl is.这个很典型的.但下面这个就不明白了.He came and asked what was the matter with the girl.这句BE动词怎么可以放前面了?HE came and asked what the matter was.这 Every year,______travellers come to visit the Great Wall.A three thousand B three thousands of Cthousands of Dthousand of 我想要一篇English Daily Report可以两个人一起表演的 幽默诙谐一点的我需要可以两个人在课堂上一起表演的,时间大约在五分钟左右.比较急