
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:23:45
Where is my k____?I can't play the computer game without is.什么填 What are you and your friend doing this weekend?Please make a list.what are you and your friend doing this weekend?Please make a list.1.I'm---------------------------------2.------------------------------------3.------------------------------------4. “What are you doing out there in the backyard with your guitar and your journals ,anyway?” 请帮译 改错 Where is you computer game急 Mrs Black took the policeman back to __ place __ she witnessd the robberyA the same ;as B the same ;where既然先行词是place所以要用where引导,那前面为什么要有the same 呢?这什么用法 And where's my computer game什么意思 Mrs black took the police to__place__she saw the same place She saw the Robbery不是the same,as么,为什么是the same,where 奥地利匈牙利在哪一年独立的(奥匈帝国) I kind of like them和I kinda like them.这两句英语用哪个比较好本意是我有点喜欢他们,可是不知道用哪个他们是指的是明星组合 Mad, Sexy, Cool 是什么意思啊 英语翻译 (it was) really stupid (of) them for show everyone what they thought为什么第二空要用of 而不用for? It was a cold winter,and Mrs. Owen wanted to do some 31 . so she waited until it was Saturday,when her husband was free. She took him 32 the shops with her and let him 33 for everything and carry her bags. They went to 34 shops,and Mrs. Owe took Sam half an hour to send these qictures by e-mail.Sam_half an hour _ these pictures by e-mail.保持原句意思不变 I have just got an e—mail___my pen pal 填介词 稀土为什么珍贵? To( ) do you want to send the e-mail?My pen pal Linda.A.whom B.which C .what D who请问选择哪个,为什么? 稀土可以用来干什么就是 一种 稀有的矿产资源、、、在现实生活中用作做什么的? Tom is excited to get an e-mail from his pen pal.Now he is r______ the e-mail. 稀土是干什么的? 100分求投影仪安装位置和距离先介绍下基础情况使用投影仪 明基W1060 支持1080P使用幕布 美视白塑画框100寸幕布 16:9投影面积是2214*1245mm带边框尺寸是总尺寸 长 是 2214+160mm 总高是 1245+160mm 奥匈帝国与奥斯曼土耳其帝国的区别, 奥斯曼土耳其帝国,奥匈帝国,神圣罗马帝国之间什么关系?还有沙俄?包含,并存,对立,还是不同时期的帝国然后再介绍一下哈布斯堡王朝的几位重要国王?最好给列个重大事件时间表 There is nothing interesting in the book.(同义句转换) 【】【】sugar and【】【】bottles of water do you want? 按照中文名起个英文名名是雯雪最好和中文发音相似, 奥匈帝国解体为几个国家 当年的奥匈帝国为什么解体了?还有就是南斯拉夫何捷克斯洛伐克是什么时候建立何合并的,请标明具体的时间和当时发生的事件 求战国末年各国详细地图就是秦始皇即位前后时期的各国详细地图我想有这些国家的一些正要城市的分布图最好 日本战国时期真实历史地图 How many__do you want?A.breadB.pieces of breadC.pieces of breadsD.piece of bread How many____do you want?oneA.sandwich B.sandwiches C.a sandwich 理由