
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 01:43:55
be good at 后面是接do还是doing 欲望和贪婪对人类心理的影响欲望和贪婪是怎么产生的,它们对人类心理的影响是什么. be a good time to do 还是doingMarch is a good time (to visit \ visiting) China 到底是人的贪婪产生了欲望,还是人的欲望产生了贪婪? 人性中的贪婪是怎么形成的 怎样理解人性贪婪的心态 已知y=x的平方-(a+2)x+4的顶点在坐标轴上求a的值 y=x^(平方)-(a+2)x+9的顶点在坐标轴上,求a的值? be good for sb to do be good for ____ be good at=do well in___ be good to sb. 求解英语选择Don’t you remember ______ to our president when you went to the university last year?He shook hands with you.A.to be introduced B.being introduced C.introduced D.introducingThis machine needs a _______t to feed parts and component 英语选择,In general,youngsters desire ____ of their status,which definitely gives them more enthusiasm to go forward with what they are doing.A.recognition B.permission C.realization D.consideration 英语选择求解 21.He doesn’t know ___ he should go with her.A.if or not B.whether or not C.if not D.whether not22.There were then more then 200 children ___ dance in the school.A.to study B.studied C.study D.studying23.I expressed the hope ___ they would come to 几道英语选择求解1.The day i met best friend___ the first time i was__ a terrible mood.A.for;in B.for;with C./;in D./;with 2.-what do u think of my composition?-it__well except for a few spelling mistakes.A.is read B.was read C.is reading D.re there are so many apples ___that tree.a.in b.on c.at d.from 如何认识中国共产党是伟大光荣正确的党? 急:如何认识中共是一个伟大光荣正确的党?这是一道论述题.请结合我党80多年的奋斗历程、取得的辉煌成就和在长期奋斗中的基本经验,如何认识中国共产党是一个伟大、光荣、正确的党? 为什么中.共是永远伟大,光荣,正确的党? 生的伟大,死的光荣——( ) 党的好干部——( ) 怎样做高中英语阅读理解题和完型填空题? “我们的党是伟大的光荣的正确的党”如何缩句? 帮我作道高中英语完形填空There is a difference between being an acquaintance and being a friend.An acpuaintance is someone whose name you know,who you probably have something in___with and who you feel comfortable around.Acquaintances are 在( )里填上合适的词语 ( )的大海 1月1日午夜时月亮在天空什么方位 长途跋涉后,劳累疲乏.( )词语是什么?丝毫没有留存。(毫无保留 )学习是没有止境的。( 学无止境 ) 长途跋涉后,劳累疲乏。( ) 这种 一定要把 长途跋涉 在括号内填词语:疲劳的( )疲倦的( ) 陡峭的( ) 补充词语;劳累得( ) 表现“疲惫”的古诗词婉约点的~一两句就可反映出人的疲惫,心力不足……谢谢!女性化点的~表现工作很辛苦!可以稍微的多来几句么?像是个性签名那样的!不是古诗词也行~要古典婉约一 描写疲惫的词语句子也可以 此字咋读?啥意?牟 "门"字内有者,读啥?