
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 16:19:39
不知所措用英语怎么表示? 不知所措 英语是什么 There is nothing greater than being able to encourage someone with a love of knowledge.意义,不要直译 英语翻译Much of the world's media culture has been defined by a single medium - television - and television is defined by downloading.这句话这样翻译好不好呢?大部分的世界媒体文化的特点一直是单向媒体——电视— we can call television TV for short.的同义句是什么? CHUM Television 翻译成中文是什么 剑桥商务英语(BEC)高级的证书含金量怎么样啊?证书管用吗?好不好考?难度大约相当于什么水平呢? You mustn't force him to lend his money to you.谁是宾语补足语 Services offered中文翻译 英语翻译如题,这个词组准确的中文翻译是什么?财经术语. Products and services offered at a large discount are generally a(n) ____.a.sale b.bargin c.offer选什么啊?需要理由, 翻译 All washing and cleaning services offered at extra charge. the services being offered round the clock stretch beyond that of just food 一种不知所措的感觉 用英语怎么说 自由落体题目一石块由高出地面上方h处自由下落,当它速度大小等于着地速度的一半时,它距地面高度为多少? 幸福归来,我不知所措,用英语怎么说 有关自由落体的题目物体做自由落体运动,把下落的距离分成相等的两段,则物体通过上半段和下半段的时间的比值是多少? 所有的人都在忙,只有我不知所措的英语怎么说 几个关于自由落体运动的题目1,一只小球自屋檐自由下落,在0.25s的时间内通过高度为2m的窗口,求窗口的顶端距屋檐多高?(g=10m/s^2)2,一个物体从H高出自由落下,经过最后196m所用的时间是4s,求 自由落体题目,急一石头A由塔顶自由下落,当高度s1时,另一块石头B自距离塔顶S2处自由下落,两石头同时落地,求塔高 自由落体运动的问题一只球从高处自由下落,下落0.5s时,一颗子弹从其正上方向下射击,要使球在下落1.8m时被击中,则子弹发射的初速度是多大? keeping healthy is more important than----------.A to be angry B be angry C being angry D are angry I'm not beautiful. Don't turned. Not gentleness. But I love you more than about it. don't play tricks on him any more .it ( )that he has got angry no,he hasn't.he's easy-going andDon't play tricks on him any more .it ( )that he has got angry .No,he hasn't.he's easy-going and very kind 一空一词,含缩写词, 每空一词(含缩写)1.They go to the cinema in the evening.(改为否定句)They ______ ______ to the cinema in the evening.2.Students often play football on the playground.(改为一般疑问句)______ students _______ play football on the 完成对话,一空一词(含缩写词) 完成对话.(一空一词,含缩写)____ that girl?____ one?____ ____ under the tree.Oh,____ my classmate.____ her name?Sun Huifang.We call Huifang.What's she____?She's ____ friendly and outgoing.We all like ____. 每空一词(含缩写)快!1.Ben feels sick today.(改为一般疑问句)-----Ben----- -----today?2.Mary has a beautiful (scarf) (对括号部分提问)----- -----Mary-----?3.Jenny wants to eat (two) apples a day.(对括号部分提问)----- 翻译Libraty Services 艹加个口怎么打 上面是艹,下面是我,怎么打嗯``````````