
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:51:50
介词填空 I'm looking for my pen __a long time,but I can't find it. I can't find my cat.I'll look for it s___ else.首字母已给出,怎样填? 用介词填空:I'm looking( )my dog.I can't find it.They are talking( )Mr Green.They are talking( )th上面the后面的单词··--film 用英文写信用什么时态就是写些自己上个星期或是以后要做的事什么时态?时态不是人称...1楼连我问什么都没看清楚- - 介绍剧情用英文,要用什么时态? 排列 顺序A.where's my alarm clock?B.is it under the bed?C.it's on the TV!D.Your alarm clock?I don't know.E.Where?F.On,here it is.G.No,it's not undre the bed. alarm,is,peter's,where,clock连词成句 where’s an alarm clock和where’s the alarm clock这两句话谁对,或者说两句都对? Miss Li is (my teacher)怎么提问 用介词填:The cat is running( )the mouse.The farm is not far( )his home.perer looks( )his father 用适当的介词填空.The cat is ( ) the top ( ) the house. “There will be someone... 汉族分布遍地及全国,主要集中在哪两个地区? 我国的汉族分布及全国各地,以_____和_____最为集中. 海外华人主要分布在什么国家? 汉族主要分布在哪些地方 She took me __ my arm.如何填中间的介词,by还是on it must be shared with someone to really be worth anything Look!She is reading a book( ) hobbies(填介词) one day you will meet someone,who worth all your laugh and tears,who will treat you the best,who will make you his priority 我不懂英语 请懂英语的大哥帮我翻译一下 This is an alarm clock 为什么要用an? This is a alarm clock 这个句子哪里错了?.. 找出句子中的错误并改正:We see some bed in the room.Is this a alarm clock?Where is your grandparents?Can you take your pencil case to me?Oh,they aren,t know this English boy.根据汉语提示写出下面的句子:1.吉姆的电子游 汉族人主要分布在内蒙古省哪些地方 汉族分布在中国那些地区? 高尔基英文简介 高尔基用英语怎么说 高尔基英语怎么写 I know I may end up felling ,but I know,you were just like with you someone disappointed in you!这句翻译成中文 hey,I just met you ,and this is crazy ,but here's my number ,so call me ,maybe 什麽意思? I need to know 的歌词,第一句是where is the land i come from急 用have English class造句