
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:38:14
1、 want,work,a,i,to,foe,magazin(连词成句) ? what am i going to do during olympic games为题的作文假设在举国期盼的2008年奥运会举办期间,你在北京生活,你打算为奥运会做什么?以what am i going to do during olympic games为题写你的打算 The 2008 Olympic Games is going to be held in Beijing. 选择题Whatare you going to do __make the 2008 Olympic Games a great success请在里面选一个,然后说明原因,A:to help B:helping C:help D:helped Where___(be) the 30th Olympic Games going to be held? So做连词时能否放句首?有没有例子? 并列句的连词有and but so 有没有because though 吖 The teacher asks us to stop talking(改为同义句)The teacher asks us to——— ——— when the teacher came in ,all of us _____.A.stopped talking B.stop talkingwhen the teacher came in ,all of us _____.A.stopped talkingB.stop talking my sister and ___ both like english.(我姐姐和我都喜欢英语)这里用me 可以吗 This is my tmin sister Lucy .Both she and I_good at drawing.A:am B:are.请问:选那一个,为什么? 这个题为什么用policeman,而不用polices. 题:Both my sister and my brother are____.选项有4个.A、a police B、policeman C、policewoman D、polices请用详细说明原因. My brother and my sister both ran to help me.这句话中both是姐弟俩的同位语吗 为什么 连词成句 do you why like see to pandas 连词造句1.is,to,do,what,she,gong,on,birthday,her.2.do,like,you,and,fish,rice.一定要对的不然不给分. pandas like do what to eat 连词成句 so做连词的句子是并列句还是复合句如He got up late,so he missed the early bus.这句话是并列句还是复合句? 为什么so并列连词,而beacuse复合句连词? hand out 与give out 急求所有的连词,包括并列连词和引导复合句的从属连词,最好分类, He is a singer so that he can sing well.so that是连词吗?那是复合句还是并列句? I can play computer hames with my brother.改为一般疑问句 My brother can play foot ball改为一般疑问句不好意思是改成否定句 I am going to play the violin一般疑问句 The woman in the skirt is my chinese teacher.如何提问?后面还有 ———your chinese teacher?如题 谢 Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets .So.love the people who treats you right翻意下 with the development of science and technology,great chenges have taken piace in people's life.还有另一种说法吗? Tom和他弟弟一起去巴黎 Tom,( )( )( ) his brother,( ) going to the Paris. Man,born of woman,is of a few 求翻译:The woman is the reflection of the man . 女人是男人的未来 WOMAN IS THE FUTURE OF MAN怎么样 She often goes to school at seven thiry.对画线部分提问