
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:10:39
May i take your picture?(做否定回答) 烃和卤代烃有什么关系 I don‘t think this is ( )that a good student should do in our daily life 为什么不填nothing 求一篇英语作文How to spend your summer holiday?80字左右 How do you spend your summer holiday 我要这篇英文作文 英语作文,要8年纪的水平:how to spend your winter holiday 烃和卤代烃有A、B、C三种气态烃组成的混合物X MOL,与足量氧气混合点燃完全燃烧后恢复原状况(标准状况)时,气体体积减少了2X MOL,则3种烃可能为( )A.甲烷、乙烷、丙烷B.甲烷、乙烯、丙 化学题,关于烃和卤代烃下列各组化合物中,不论两者以什么比例混合,只要总质量一定,则完全燃烧时消耗氧气的质量和生成水的质量不变的是?( ) ACH4,C2H6 BC2H6,C3H6 C C2H4, C3H6 D C2H4, C3H4 how did you spend your holiday?英语作文 英语作文 How Will I Spend My Winter Holiday?急用!要求初中水平,80词以上,内容丰富,内容是"打算做什么"而不是"已经做过什么事". 高层消费者 英语怎么说 【英语选择题】Is there___clock in your room?Yes,there is.A.a B.an C.the_____里是a、an还是the? 修改错误Is there a art room in your school?Yes,there is.__________ —— is she in your room _____( ) A yes ,it is B yes ,she is C yes ,she is inA yes ,it is B yes ,she is C yes ,she is in 翻译 做眼保健操对你眼睛有好处 Doing eye exercise( ) ( ) _____(do) eye exercise is good for our eyes. 我们的眼睛从出生开始就一样大小.Our eyes are _____ _____ ______ ______ _____. 眼保健操的英语表达eye exercise exercise加不加s 三英战吕布简介 三英战吕布的故事 look,is this room beautiful i painted it( ) 空是填myself吗,为什么,能解释的清楚点吗. ——Look!This sweater is beautiful.——______.A.Why not trying it on B.Why not try on it C.why not try it on D.Why not trying on it ,为什么? 求80字左右的小故事要几个.必须一百以下,五十以上的小故事.有用.好的话一个故事加3分. 感动的故事80字 从三英战吕布-三顾茅庐发生啦什么事情 100-300字概括一下 THis is my room.THere is a bed,a desK,a closet and a shelf.THere are two end tables near the bedThe computer is on the desk.the books are on the shelf.The trash bin is behind the door.what can you see over the bed?It's my picture! 短文填空.This is Nick's room.It's a b___and nice room.It's bright and c___.There are somepictures on the f____wall.On the back wall there is a m_____of Americea.There is a desk and a c___in his room.The desk is n___the window .His bag and pencilb 翻译:同学们通常有早锻炼.做眼保健操,课后有时候打篮球或踢足球 怎样快速记忆化学元素周期表老子要疯了,1天之内要把这元素分期表背好.但是死记没效果啊,麻烦哪位仁兄给点技巧?怎样能记的好?记的牢? my interesting winter holiday life翻译:我的寒假生活非常有趣.刚回老家那天,哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹就拉着我去溜冰场溜冰.我技术不好,摔了15个跟头,他们都在那边笑我,我也情不自禁的笑了.大年三十那 求一篇英语作文!100字,An interesting thing is my summer holiday My Interesting Winter Holiday怎么写?六十个单词左右,初一水平就行.