
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:06:50
金属切割的三要素是哪些 静水流深的意思是 静水流深的含义 直径185mm的圆 厚度5mm需要多大吨位的冲床 要冲压4mm后的铁板工件的周长是1050mm,材料是Q235热轧带钢需要多少吨的冲床? 请问冲6mm厚的铁板要用多少吨位的冲床?我的材料是6mm厚的45钢,要冲的孔是腰型孔,13mmX65mm的请问我要用多少吨位的冲床来冲比较好? 16吨冲床 落料0.5MM厚度铁板,能落多大面积的板, 连词成句,John,see,has,minutes,come,to,but,left,five,ago,he.2.leader,team,do,our,you,know,new.3.from,quickly,in,most,get,people,help,a,hospital,can,doctor,,Pierre,learn,me,important,to,told,Englishi,is.5.say,you,family,would,please,so Has Jim got up Yes,he ___ for fifteen minutesA got upB has been upC has got upD was getting up 八年级下册物理一题(电流电阻)如图所示,电源电压不变,R1=6Ω,R2=12Ω,当S1闭合、S2断开,①、②都是电流表时,两表示数之比为( );S1、S2都闭合,①、②都是电压表,两表示数之比为( ). 铸造粘土砂湿砂做哪些方面的检测,需要什么设备,操作规范是什么?我是做质量管理的,以前是树脂砂生产未接触过粘土砂,请帮忙告诉我粘土砂检测需要哪些设备,操作规范是什么? 彩电场扫描电路都有哪些电子元件? Tom has already come to school.改为否定句? I saw Tom yesterday.He ( )from England already.A.have been caming B.has come 为什么选B不选A Tom has been at this school since he come to China.对since he come to China提问. 周长350毫米,8毫米厚的铁板需要多大的冲床? 0.45mm厚的铁板 900mm周长,需要多大的冲床?怎么算啊 有知道的吗? since three years ago 句子要用在 现在完成里吗?We __B__ english since three years ago.A.learned B.have learned Tom has been in Paris since 2 years agoI have been here since five months ago.问:1.since+时间+ago 在句子里怎么翻译, Her grandmother died three years ago 的同义句 His grandpa died three years ago 改为现在完成时态 爱,静水流深 别告诉我只可意会,不可言传啊 有一块棱长是80厘米的正方体铁块,现在要把他熔铸成一个横截面面积是20平方厘米的长方体,这个长方体的长是多少分米? he has left for the airport.,if you had come here ten minutes earlier,you him后面if ,you( )himA might meet B had met C could have met D have He will come here (in ten minutes) ( )( )will he ( ) ( 以上面括号中的句子完成下面 25.------"You ought to have come here ten minutes ago?" --------"Yes,I _________."A.ought to B.ought to have C.ought D.have ought to为什么选B,不选A? 覆膜时为什么会出现纸张起皱现象 串联并联、连接电流电压表我都不会、请详细告诉我有图最好 按要求句型转换.The old man died 3 years ago.(同义句) “大象无形 The train has been here ten minutes.改错 the old man died 10 years ago同义句转换Three months( )( )since the old man( ) 真水无香 含义