
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:00:40
wu need _it every day.a.to practice b.practise c.practicing d.to practicing 选什么?为什么? The table over there is Tom and Jane's.为什么这里不用Tom's and Jane's在句子当中怎么判断是共同拥有还是分别拥有? 1、There are a lot of ____(区别) between Tom and Jim.1、what do you ____ of (评价) the transportation in your town?2、Yao Ming is a ____(著名的) basketball player in China.3、I just finished _____(拍摄) my last movie.4、we are trying to There are something different between Tim and Tom中哪里错了? 一般塑料眼镜贵还是金属眼镜贵? if you want to speak English better you should practice _______possibleA as many as B as munch as C so more as D as well as 翻译:native speaker If you want to speak Enlish well,you should use it as__ as possible.A.muchB.moreC.manyD.most求解析 翻译:spoken to a native speaker of English? It's natural for there to be a generation gap between parents and their children.上面这句的句型应该是:it is +形容词+to do something.不定式短语做主语,怎么多出“for”这个词?怎么理解?谢谢 kate的个子不高,戴着一副眼镜的英语怎么说 第两个逗号逗号前的是完整的一个句子吗? and到底什么时候前面要加逗号,我知道and also前面要逗号,但是and连接两个单词和句子好像都不需要逗号在and 前面,是不是递进的时候,and 前有逗号,eg.He finished his work,and went to sleep. 求文档:There was an_____{argue} happened between Tom and Jack last night A:Where were you last winter,Tom?B:I was in Geneva(日内瓦).I was there the whole yeA:It was very cold last winter,and February was much colder than January.B:What about the other seasons?A:The other seasons were all right .The most beautiful sea 英语翻译1.你对烹饪懂很多吗?Do you ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ cooking?2.一完成工作就给我打电话.—— —— —— —— —— you finish the work.3.她一听到音乐就开始跳起舞来.(as soon as)She began to dance —— 别人看到的是脸上的快乐,而内心的痛又有谁知道翻译英文 英语翻译1 Lung Liu Street,Tuen Mun,New TerritoriesHong Kong. 她虽然有大大的眼睛,但她是个近视眼,到这一副大大的眼镜 用英语怎么说 镜子是我的另一双眼睛英语怎么说 我心中的小太阳用英语怎么说 求一些关心别人的话、能让别人心里温暖的 如何分析文章标题的含义 如何分析文章标题的含义麻烦告诉我 2009英语怎么说 请问平光镜用英语怎么说?谢谢.就是人们平常戴的没有度数的眼镜,不是太阳镜的那种.谢谢了 英语翻译SoiPraisaneekao,Bangplee-NamdangRd.,Bangpleeyai,Bangplee,Samutprakam10540 求助一个泰国曼谷的地名您好.请问泰国曼谷的mumphrapron church是什么地方?在曼谷的ramkhamhaeng42路上. 如果可以的话,帮我大致介绍一下这个区域. money give it to charity还是give them to charity请解释一下 In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money,( )during the Spring Festival.A.finally B.luckily C.unfortunately D.especially give something to somebody for money这句话是什么意思 If someone is ,it means he is asking people to give them food or money