
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:58:03
i don't want __any more trouble A.is B.being C.there to be D.there being 14.There_more than one answer to your question. A.is B.are C.being 我知道正确答案是A 告诉理由谁能告诉我理由谁能告诉我理由 they think they can help us play sports.改写句子句意不变的句子 某机器厂共有38名工人,如果2名工人每天可以加工3张课桌,3名工人每天加工10把椅子,那么如何调配工人才能使每天生产的桌椅配套?(一张课桌配2把椅子)二元一次方程 关于实验误差. 物理试验中常见误差 硫酸钠溶于水放不放热?是少量热还是大量热 镁加稀盐酸反应放不放热? NaCl溶液和稀盐酸反应放不放热 如下图,电流源供电,二极管压降为0.7V.哪位大侠帮我分析下,两端电压是多少啊,是被二极管钳在1.但是电阻上又要满足欧姆定律啊,并联两端电压怎么分析的?如果电流较小,会从二极管过吗.麻烦 电路如图6-71所示,试确定二极管是正偏还是反偏.设二极管正偏时的正向压降为0.7V,估算Ua~Ud的值 1.1在图P1.1所示的电路中,设二极管VD的导通电压为0.7V,试求输出电压U01、U02的大小 It will help children learn. Rorobot will help children learn 的意思 let children read_____books as will help them learn betterA ,those B,these C,any D,suchtell me why Is there anything more important than health?I don’t think so.Health is the greatest wealth,wise people say.you can'tbe good at your studies or work well when you are ill.If you have a headache,toothache,backache,earache or bad pain in the stomach. 天空中的星星一闪一闪的. They think they can help us play sports.(改为同义句). 请问桌子是80公分的高度,椅子最好是多高的, We disagree.We would feel more comfortable and that is good for studying.谁帮忙翻译这句啊 what is well known is that China is becoming more and more influential in the world today.这句话前面的what引导的句子是什么成分,后面的that又是什么成分 到底哪个是主语? we would feel more ___(comfort)and that is good for studying. 地球的产生是一个怎样的过程. We disagree.We would feel more comfortable and that is good for studying中would解释If we can't do that,we should be allowed to design our own uniforms.That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. 硫酸溶于水为什么放热 求文档:苯吡唑草酮玉米除草剂哪里购买到 除草剂的成分有多少种?例如:精喹禾灵、乙氧氟草醚 为什么会形成地球板块? 电影蝴蝶效应到底是什么意思?我疑问比较多哈,我看的那个版本的结局不是掐脐带的那个,而是男主角女主角走在大街上互不认识.A.男主人公和女主人公到底认不认识?B.还是男主角和女主角本 一个生物设计实验探究题某研究机构新发现了一种抗生素,请设计实验探究其是否对大肠杆菌的生长和繁殖有抑制作用:1.实验目的:2.实验步骤:3.实验结果:4.实验结论: 谢谢~~ 可降解包装用英文怎么说? 果冻是固体还是液体