
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 17:22:05
有关“be famous "的短语 下列各句中,成语运用不当的是:1刮目相看:陈教练当时就断定,只要假以时日,小明一定能有让人刮目相看的那一天 2车水马龙 新春,长沙高速公路车水马龙,显示出一派生机 3锋芒毕露 不少人 He had never spent a more _____day before.A:excite B:excited C:exciting D:excites Are you eating lunch?No,they arenit是什么意思 0.2+(5/6)/(0.15+9/20)简算 哪句使用成语不当1,在人民群众利益受到危害的紧急关头,有极少数干部,或无动于衷,或(畏葸不前),其所作所为,与共产党员,人民公仆的身份极不相称.2,这则笑话因为对(漠不关心)人民疾苦的官 0.5+5/6×(0.15+9/20) ( )÷9=15:( )=0.6=()分之20 His illness is beyond cure. 成语运用题"这次我们虽然出了一些乱子,但是塞翁失马,只要及时吸取教训,坏事也可以变成好事" 这句中‘塞翁失马’是否合理?塞翁失马是指在一定条件下,坏事可以变成好事,我认为这个条 求歌词:there is no shortcut to a dream but i m not afraid,i'll take it all the way,不列颠艺校 里女主劳伦唱的一首歌,是什么名字? This problem is beyond his ability and he can not ________ it.A.slipB.packC.gainD.solve 成语运用的题目民族风情歌舞.表演之类的看了使人流连忘返 流连忘返喷泉广场的喷泉.在灯光的照耀下浮光掠影 浮光掠影哪个对? He has never forgotten the p____ trip in the mountains . 分析句子:He is a man (who) means his word He has never surfed,_? dream is the beacon,without it,there is no life.是俄国的哪个著名作家说的 is not(缩写形式) happy(比较级) teeth(单数形式) there(对应词) it(形容词性物主代词) I(宾格) It resulted in people more vulnerable to poverty 还是in people are more vulnerable to poverty I can see through the start into your heart so whatever you are it's never **r.这句英文是什麽意思啊```还有米字符号里的应该是什麽字母啊```还有```Ican see through the start into your heart so whatever you are it's neve* **r I was a( little baby) ten years ago.括号部分提问, 在英语中短裤"shorts"的单位是piece 还是pairs? the classroom building has 4 building store heights是什么意思 彼得知道自己说谎不对.英文翻译 指出下列成语运用不当的一项是( )A听到这个幽默的故事,他忍俊不禁的笑了起来B这个消息来得太突然了,让我有点措手不及C他是我班首屈一指的业余节目主持人D我们要先发制人,不能总是比别 下面句子中加点成语运用不当的一项是( )A.教室里人声鼎沸,大家都忙着为合唱比赛做最后的准备.B.他不爱整理,房间总是杂乱无章.C.今天不是他值日,他却主动擦干净黑板,这种行为真是可歌可 Because of the(improve)____in the road condition,there,have been fewer accidents recently. He has never_______Beijingbeen to/gone to/been/gone 那些裤子的价钱是多少?的英文 ( )()()()those pants? 对英文歌感兴趣的进!请大家给我推荐几首经典好听的英文歌!在此谢过了! 小时候的英文歌我记得歌词是这样的英文我不知道,我把他反映成中文,哟蚂蚁杉杉哟蚂蚁帮帮又蚂蚁.这个哎好怀念,不过找不到了,谁帮我找找. a article of furniture什么意思