
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:54:58
Tom was able to pass the English exam.句意相同Tom__ __pass the english exam.有2个空哦! I have been waiting for you for two hours.(对划线部分提问)----- ------have you been waiting for me? 翻译you must have been waiting for ages,for you look so worried.不要直接用百度翻译,那都是字面翻译,不通! 英文字母中有哪些字母前用“an”拜托了各位 英文字母前用a还是用an的问题,这是我从网上看到的:在26个英文字母中,a,e,i,o,f,h,l,m,n,r,s,x等12个字母的读音是以元音开头的,因此在这些字母单独使用时,前面用an.其余字母则是以辅音开头的, 对中国文化的赞美的句子急.最好短一点的 stereotypes of Chinese people 外国人的中国印象身边有外国朋友的可以帮我问一下么...感激不尽! What are the changes of food for Chinese people 英语中的复合句I just wonder ______ that makes him so excited.A.why it dose B.what he doseC.how it isD.what it is要理由的啊!谢谢 英语作文中常用复合句句型,求附中文及语法 Do they have bamburgers?否定回答 一道高中英语,复合句语法,我迷惑了.-Was it midnight_____you arrived home by taxi?-I'm afraid so.A.that B.at which C.the time D.when看我分析对不对:首先不是强调句,排除A然后我先考虑的是B和D,就是定语从句中 Do they have a beautiful schoolyard 做肯定和否定回答 Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.I didn't know you__here.A are B had been C were D have beenShe has successfully___a career and bringing up a family.A join B relaxed C torn D combined麻烦两个都答一下、、谢谢 I am t() sorry I have let you wait long I am sorry to have kert you_______(wait)so long. 懂英语的过来1.theirs 的形容词性物主代词2.I 的形容词性物主代词3.she 的名词性物主代词4.his 的名词性物主代词5.our 的名词性物主代词6.my dad 的名词所有格7.children 的名词所有格8.teachers 的名 懂英语的过来一下.max_execution_time = 120000 max_input_time = 60 ;memory_limit = 8M 懂英语的就过来,急because dolphins are very clever,so many people like them是不是病句 牵手很简单,但是我做不到.翻译成英文 happy 和 happily的区别Lily looks so______today.选择happy还是happily happily和happy的用法和区别?如何在语法中运用?有何区别?修饰啥? Do you have a basketball?回答问题 根据手写字母填空Do you have a basketball c____ DO you have a basketball?这里为什么要有DO 做什么成分 家里的新鲜事作文450字求解答啊! 街头巷尾新鲜事 作文450字,好的我加钱 you are the most powerful women i 've ever seen.这句话的语法有错吗?这样的搭配可以吗? 塞军旅生活的古诗 ---it,s so cold today!---yes,it is.let,s put on our sweaters and scarves to ____ the cold. must we hand in our homework today?yes,you ____/no ,you _____ Do you know ___ man?Yes.He's Lin Fang'father.2.Who's on duty today?The ___ are.3.Put ___ coat on his chair.4.Who's that man?He's ___ father.5.Mrs Read is Mike's ___ .1.A.a B.an C.the 2.A.twins B.girl C.boy 3.A.Sam B.Sam's C.Sams 4.Lily and Lucy.B.Lil