
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:47:12
怎样复习初中语文? 不是总复习 也不是期末复习 就是学完一课后如何复习如何预习 复习 补充同上 最好有具体的方法 初中语文怎样复习? 初中语文复习什么初中语文该怎样复习? 初中语文怎么复习 我是名高中生(选理科) 物理平时还不错,可数学老是不及格,不都是理科吗?咋就学得好物理学不好数学呢? don t you think that ‘s what everyone should do怎么翻译 请问这句话怎么翻译?I believe that people should do what they're told. How do you do that?should you do then? 数学该怎样突破提高啊,我感觉自己学不进.很差. 我数学很差怎么办,我想提高, 黛玉葬花片段简述 简述27回黛玉葬花的情节.“黛玉葬花”表现了黛玉当时怎样的处境和心情? 数学特别差怎么快速提高!快要初三了.马上分班考,我数学特别差,只有四五十分,上课听不懂,其他几门都还不错.就是数学拉分特别厉害!只剩一个多星期了.请问怎么快速提高,任何代价我都愿意 黛玉葬花情节概括 我的数学很差该怎么提高啊? 新世纪的题目1 ( )--- Hello ,may l speak to Linda -----___________ ,please.A hold on B holdC hold up D holding2 We will travel by sightseeing bus in the city.(保持原句意思)We wil travel by _________ ___________ in the city.3 Tim is a f Tom left Beijing in 2003.(保持原句意思)Tom _________ _________ __________ from Beijing since 2003Once upon a time ,there lives a young artist.___________ __________ __________,there lived a young artist.Do you mind if l turn down the radio?(保 希望有人来回答,新世纪的题目英语1 you are welcome to_____________ these interesting trips!A join B take part in C join us D attend 一道新世纪的题目英语 急1 I have done my homework.When _______ you _____it?A did did B did do C have done D would do 一道新世纪的英语题目 急 ______________ you _____________ (write) any letters recently? I wish I was that age again.was or were “I wish I had I ____ (hope,wish,want expect) that I were young again.如题,选择哪个呢?为什么? 黛玉葬花简介越短越好!最好几十字. 为什么贾宝玉和林黛玉的爱情必然是悲剧的结局? 3道高一英语的单选.1.--How are you getting along with your friends?--Not vert well,_______这个空为什么要填 I`am afraid.什么情况下要用这个,类似的短语还有什么?2.Mr.Black ____Shanghai in a few days.Do you know when the e 1.The parents are____ their son who has been away from home for days.A.in search of B.to search C.searching D.searching for为什么不选D?A的话为什么不是in the search of?2.Jones,______ you think is very proud,is actually an easy-going la 1.A modern city has been set up in _______ was a wasteland ten years ago.A.which B.what C.that D.where 2.With a lot of homework ________,he had to stay at home.A.done B.doing C.to do D.to be done 3.There are 65 student in our class,_______have passed when we got home.the child has a __ left 填什么. What do you think the children ( ) when we get home?What do you think the children ( ) when we get home?A.Will be doingB. will doC. are doingD. are going to do请说明理由 It was so late when we got home,it was not worth going bed.这句可不可以这么理解,由于到家太晚了(几乎天亮),所以不需要睡觉了?