
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 06:15:18
“material's physico-mechanical parameters”怎么翻译? _ that he managed to get the infoemation?a.where was it b.what was it c.how was it d.why was it为什么选c?分析一下句子中it 跟that的用处 ---______that he managed to get the information?184839574---______that he managed to get the information?---Oh,a friend of his helped him.A.Where was it B.What was it C.How was it D.Why was it 如果此题选C的话,怎么将强调句还原呢?我认 A:____was it that he managed to get the information B:A friend of his helped him.A:What B:Where C:Why D:How我在网上下载的易错题中的答案是B,你看看,这有可能吗? 谁帮我把我的名字翻译成韩国人名字译成英文名的那种格式 谢谢.比如 韩国的金秀贤 翻译成 Kim Soo Hyun 我的名字叫徐瑶健 请帮我翻译一下 谢谢. 可以带一点创意使翻译后的名字好看一点.请 It's a theory to which many economists subscribe.在这儿which的作用是什么?他后面应该加动词做主语从句啊,可是这儿不是,这是怎么回事啊?which还有其他用法? 英语翻译1....many economists say unemployment will continue to hover above 9%.中的hover 2.our retirement and college funds have taken a beating,...中的taken a beating3.the economy is steaming along at more than 10% annual growth,...中的stea There are too many books,i don`t know which还是which one to choose. 1.真实历史上的关羽什么样?与小说的差别.(不低于300字)2.对此的感想(不低于200字) 作文给英雄的一封信写关羽的450字 关云长的历史! 引号在键盘上怎么打 我指的是那种曲尺型的引号,如「红太阳」,这两个引号~ 这个符号怎么打 (很像引号,但大一点)比引号大 就像斜着划得两条杠 " 就是这样的 但要大好多... 引号竖着的符号是什么,怎么打出来 c4d r13 提取样条线在哪里 类似引号的符号怎么打?图片第一个符号. 用所给词的相关短语完成句子t1.fallYou mustn't___with each other about such trifles/.It's a pity that most people have ___the advertisement and bought the goods advised.His parents are worried bacause he has ___with his school.It's easy to "仁义"一词怎么解释,对一个男人的品行衡量很重要吗 什么是义?什么是仁义,忠义,孝义,道义,善意. 含“忠义”的古诗词含“忠义”二字的! 这句话的这个词是什么意思恩?신뢰도 무너지고?这句话中的무너지고一词表示什么意思呐?为什么还要加고 经过一点只能画一条线段吗? 用词组完成下列各个句子词:do the dishes ,take part in,mix up.taking care of,all over,take out the trash ,at the moment ,stay out late 句子1.We can't _______________become our parents are worried .2.I'm not feeling very well__________ . Card Security 是卡的密码的意思吗? 毛主席万岁的繁体字 I'll do my _____(well) to learn English well. I couldn't do half as well as you do if I__to learn to speak Italian.A.try B.had tried C.are trying D.were trying. 英语翻译最近在写桂林菜的介绍,谁知道桂林米粉的卤水 用英语怎么说呀 卤水口条 油爆腰果鸡丁 的英文翻译 急用 求英文菜名:1什锦拼盘2蒜泥海蜇3五香熏鱼4夫妻肺片5海米拌黄瓜6卤水口条7红烧鱼翅8泡椒大虾9清炒虾仁 含比喻的反义成语一箭双雕——水落石出——虎头蛇尾——过河拆桥——飞蛾投火——画蛇添足——掩耳盗铃——螳臂挡车—— C4D 同一关键帧 两个物体 同样是K帧 一样的距离 一样的时间 速度却不一样