
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:50:53
Who gave them a music lesson yesterday?改为被动-Who was a music lesson given to them yesterday the music lesson was given to them by whom?BY whom they was given a music lesson?哪个对 Look,Kate __football with her friends.a,is playing b,are playing c,is play d,plays 并做注解 She gave the students a lesson instead of Mr Wang.翻译 i chose sth else中文意思? look simon is playing football with his friends in the playground.为什么不是ion the playground 第五小题和第六小题怎么写? Can you say something else? She gave us a___(live)and interesting maths lesson yesterday. she,usually,emails,sends,her,friends,chinese,to 连词成句 jenny is friendly to her friends 同义句 jessica is from the us 同义句 自强不息身残志坚的人可以用什么名言警句 i lost my friend's bike and i really don't know_ a.what to do b.how to do 个人认为选b答案是什么求解 目前原料的价格还处于涨势,大厂的原料已突破10元.恳求翻译 描写坚强的名言警句 赞美人身残志坚的名言警句 硫酸软骨素原料价格 drive out of,drive back和drive into 最好能举例说明,. be made into morphed into something else entirely drive into有撞到某物的意思吗? I asked them ---------- --------- ----------(他们做了什么) yesterday. 英语翻译对于我们交货期的推迟,我们赶到非常抱歉.但是由于现在这个产品的副品率非常高,所以我们要进行严格的质量把关.这是造成活期推迟的主要原因.贵公司是很优秀的品牌公司,我们希 股票出货期是什么 We asked them ___(clean) the classroom yesterday. It's a ___(please) to help you.It's much ___(hot) in Nanjing than in Dalian. 在昆明哪里可以学泰语吗?简单的学学基础. 序数词1到100 隐性遗传基因会改变人体什么?在人体中·有隐性和显性基因· 我想知道这两种基因个会决定人体的什么?知道的人请详细给我解释下.对于隐性基因的人有什么办法可以改变这种基因变显性的 求文言文启蒙读本73——75全翻译 英语翻译For the December 2007 and January 2008 auctions it announced,that it also,for the first time,was willing to do repos against this wider range of collateral at market-determined rates,rather than insisting on a penalty floor for the rate,a 英语翻译Interestingly,except in the very short run,the effect on the interbank spread over the OIS rate did not respond very differently for sterling,the euro and the US dollar. 谁有机经写作的思路啊?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?An effective leader should try to make others feel that they are part of the decision making process. 逸民列传第七十三的翻译这段的翻译梁鸿字伯鸾,扶风平陵人也.父让,王莽时为城门校尉,封修远伯,使奉少昊后,寓于北地而卒.鸿时尚幼,以遭乱世,因卷席而葬.后受业太学,家贫而尚节介,博览无