
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 22:44:08
who can answer me 我和一个经商的中年男人交往,他表示想在济南找个伴,然后我俩就好了.他对我很大方,每次见面都给我很多钱让我去花.刚开始我觉得这种锦衣玉食的生活好极了,可是过了一阵子, Who can answer my question?谁能回答我的问题?1.叠字填成语:(1)虎视( ) 得意( ) 目光( ) 众目( )信誓( )(2)形形( ) 兢兢( ) 洋洋( ) 沸沸( )郁郁( ) 期期( ) 扭扭( ) 唯唯( )(3)( )不绝 ( )而谈 ( )有词 ( )私语( )相 who can answer the question什么意思? who answer谁答world first supermodel/superstar dengfan thousand showmeet世界第一名模/巨星邓凡世界千场表演会? 宾语从句中还包含一个名词性从句 连接词that可不可以省?例如:He found ( )what he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.括号里是一定要填that还是可以省略? 宾语从句THAT后面的主语必须是除这个句子主语外的其他主语吗 英语翻译1、The students can b trained for many trades.2、你方价格与市场不符.3、这种产品行销所有欧洲国家.4、我们最不愿意做那些使顾客失望的事,特别是像你们这样的老顾客. 英语翻译we certify that this invoice is correct in all respect and it shows goods exactvalue without any deduction 英语翻译The amount we owe Mt Albert was for stock we purchased from Mags.Kathy shud hav a figure cos u will need it for December accounts.Gst would apply.很奇怪哦,这是他看到我开发信后的第一次回复,怎么会写这些东西? 英语翻译inside board ;folded on an inside carton-brown carton for dark colors and white colors for light colors -485gr,/sqm 买椟还珠的含义是什么? 起一个成熟一点的网名英文名字也可以起一个成熟的网名,英文名子也可以. 英语翻译Background on the HIRE Act The HIRE Act was signed into law by President Obama on March 18,2010.It provided two new tax provisions to encourage employers to hire certain previously unemployed workers.The first is a payroll tax exemption,w 英语翻译我叫Chen,来自于中国,身高5'3,我热衷于和别的女人竞争,我能接受任何形式的女人竞争,在这里也希望能够遇到中国籍的竞争对手,有中国籍的竞争对手或者懂中文的可以用中文 关于would have doneThere was a knock at the door again,and it was the second time someone ________ me that evening.would have interrupted 英文她妈怎么读?读是读作发Q英文她妈怎么写?读是读作发Q不是F u ck 子发的母亲借越王勾践的两个什么故事来教育儿子?分别是哪两个(成语)?yidingyaochengyu 买椟还珠什么意思 请高手帮我起个超拉风的英文名(男)本人名叫曲家辉学街舞以有一段时间了希望各位高手帮我起个超酷的英文名最好是含街头嘻哈风格的了 最好能说明意思 最拉风最酷的英文名我叫孟汉君,大侠帮帮偶找一些拉风还带酷酷的英文名,多找点,3Q了啊.分吗,考虑考虑.我的英文名字已经定好了,叫Heroes,大家看看好不好, It is this morning ______I go to bed. 是用that 还是when 也就是强调句或是定语从句 我有一个亲戚,他是射手座,想起一个英文名字,请想想.请给多几个英文名字来参考,最好是J开头的.他的中文名字有个“壮”字 最拉风的英文名 我叫汪轩求个拉风 的英文名 Tina jittaleela……jittaleela怎么读? tina jittaleela怎么读? Tina怎么读?我想问问Tina这个英文单词怎么读~ i climbed(填介词)the tree The-bus-beside-the-tree.上句英语怎么写? When is this year's halloween there are too many MP4 players in the shop.i can't decide ( ).there are too many MP4 players in the shop.i can't decide ( ).A.what to chooseB.which to chooseC.what to chosenD.which to be chosenthere are too kands of pens here.i can't decide ( ).A.wha There are too many MP4 players in the shop,I can't decide find the way神马意思?