
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/01 10:58:56
then they share the big cake( )herA.for B.to C.with millies,friends,with ,the,cake ,her,share 连词成句 谢No matter when elder brother can like treats your husband equally totreat your you to want to study well refuels! 英语翻译还有“精美的册子”怎么翻译... “习惯形成性格,性格决定命运”怎么翻译成 英文 when will the 怎么连读作听力题我完全没听出来, 英语翻译老友记里的一句台词,是不是译成:我胜任这个工作, 请问“Would you find me a job?”怎么翻译? 为什么不用does?when __the Quiz show on?要用is What do you usully do when it is raining,这句里天气为什么不能用一般现在时 I am looking for a flat on the ground fioor.的中文意思 有句话这样说的:“性格决定命运,细节决定成败”.一只以来都不理解这句话的真正含义…不知你们可否给...有句话这样说的:“性格决定命运,细节决定成败”.一只以来都不理解这句话的真 Aimlessly looking for the likes .的中文意思是什么? LOOKING FOR THE SUMMER的歌词谁有啊? 侠盗飞车3s点cut ing the grass任务 The grass needs cutting. The grass needs to be cut.翻译?这里面的区别是什么? The lawn-mower ____ before the grass can be cut.The lawn-mower ____ before the grass can be cutA.needs repairing B.requires to be repaired这两个选项意思不是一样的么。 the shop is far from jack school 哪儿错了jim lives on Washing street哪儿错了? 翻译:Kate's dad is getting old.She will go back home to see him whenever it is convenient 关于学习完晏子使楚的感受写一段话,不少于50字(不要主要内容,可以写,不要太多) 晏子使楚中哪几段些写的好,感受是什么 11晏子使楚的体会 请问:“贫贱有此女,始适还家门”中的“适”是什么意思?(出自《孔雀东南飞》) 三棱柱S–ABC的四个顶点都在球面上,SA是球的直径,AC垂直于AB BC=SB=SC=2.求该球表面积 -I think teenagers should be aloud to make __for ourselves.-I disagree with you.I think it important to take parent's advice.A.suggestionB.appointmentC.attentionD.decision When We Llearn to treasure simple happiness Then we will be winners in life.的意思 英语翻译 We will go a long way to happiness,until the end of the. 谢家事夫婿中谢是什么意思? Parents should allow fourteen-yesr-olds to choose their own clothes.(改为被动语态) 卓别林的简介 You can do this in some language schools around the city.怎么翻译