
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:22:38
孔子出生日期是怎么知道的,有文献记载吗? A friend should be confident ,like to do good things,and like to help others是什么意思 comes America monkey South from the 连词组句 英语问题:按要求进行句型转换1.Clean the toilet.(改为否定句)__________________2.Should Tom run in the corridors?(作否定回答) 按要求转换句型1.Bob bought a key ring and Candy bought a key ring,too.(同义句)____ Bob ____Candy bought a key ring.2.I don't like them and Bob doesn't like them either.(同义句)____ I ____Bob like them.3.That watch is too expensive.I can' 按要求转换句型.1.It had four legs.(变为否定句)还有(变为一般疑问句)2.Tom finished his homework yesterday.(变为否定句)还有(变为特殊疑问句)3.Pat called his best friend last night.(变为一般疑问 形容淡定的词语 上气不接下气,狼狈不堪的样子.是什么词语? 求大神给一篇作文!就是先写一段感谢父母恩情,然后写新学期计划(我是高一新生)~ 英语翻译 求作文一篇, 关于温暖话题的四级作文现在急用好心人帮帮 怎样坚持锻炼身体啊?谢谢你的回答 每天步行一小时能不能起到锻炼身体的效果?坚持对身体哪些地方有好处? 怎么样才能坚持锻炼身体? 9x+1.2×6=11.7x+25%x=5 9x减3.2=6.7 方程怎么写? 几道英语选择,求解1.It is common theme in many fictional stories that the word may on day be taken () by inseces.A.to B.apart C.in D.over2.(),he does get irritated with he sometimes.A.As he loves her much B.Much despite he lo m为何值时,关于x的方程3x-4=5m-3的解大于-1,且小于2 几道英语选择问求解(10) Mary is responding _____ treatment and will soon be cured of her illness.A.to B.with C.for D.into(11) She keeps telling me that it is essential that I ______ there on time.A.was B.were C.be D.am(12) Poor health _______ 1:Not until ____ himself seriously ill.A,had he complete the task he foundB,had he completed the task did he findC,he completed the task had he foundD,did he complete the task he had found麻烦知道的朋友帮忙解释一下为什么,说的越 1 The doctor strongly recommended that Mr.Bush_____ on at onceA operated B was operated C be operated D operate2 It is more than 200 yeras_____ the draft of the Declaration of Independence was made in 1776.A since B before C when D while 如果关于x的方程(m+3)+3x=3x-2(5m+1)的解为0,那么m的值为____ 经常锻炼身体,对我们身体有什么好处 改错This math problem is very difficult but I can work out it. 把我的地址转成英文我住在:浙江金华金信花园144栋2单元301室还有 在金华后加上开发区 英语翻译请问中国广东省深圳市福田区上沙村48栋3巷8号103换成英文地址怎么写 转换成英文地址格式吉林省 珲春市 欧式街 欧式楼2号楼 3单元 501室 求帮把地址换成英文地址!地址:中国广西南宁市西乡塘区北大路中29号25栋1单元201希望能按照图的格式,好让我填回去. 1.what can you do make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guset li2.what study habits seems to be common among successful students?3.what do you think of lives of single mother?4.what course are useful for one's job?5.why do some people t 请英语语法高人指点.Whether the Goverment should increase the financing of pure science at the exprense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.请问高人们,这句中含有whether引导 英语翻译翻译完自己先读读看,别病句发上来!