
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:45:21
请问这是什么植物,有图神农架所见,叶片上有黑色小斑点. 需要什么原料,具体步骤是什么, 正品信义前挡玻璃的标签是怎样的 若x>0,y>0,xy≡4,求证x+y≥4因为xy=4, xy同号,所以x=4/y,代入,得 x+y大于等于4同号是什么意思,为什么代入后就可以得到x+y≥4 若x>0,y>0,且xy=4,求证x+y≥4.用均值定理. 若|x+y-4|+(xy-3)^2=0,则x^2+y^2=? cloud-brushing怎么翻译 i wandered lonly as a cloud中文翻译版本有哪些 用关联词把两句话合为一句他忍受着疾病的折磨.他忍受着亲人逝去的痛苦. 用上合适的关联词把两句话合为一句.白骨精变作村姑来骗唐僧.白骨精变作老妇人来骗唐僧呢!________________________________________ 豆角是酸性还是碱性 豆角是碱性还是酸性 豆角是酸性还是碱性食物? 豇豆是酸性还是碱性 酸豇豆 是酸性还是碱性 放下的过去是同于否定了过去的人吗? 为什么女人都会否认自己以前做过的事情呢?比如说曾经喜欢过一个人为什么一个女人曾经喜欢过你,你后来在问他曾经有没有喜欢过时,她们都会矢口否认呢?这是为什么呢? senior lower highs 还有就是higher lows.关于股价的旧高旧低是什么?前一交易日的最高价和最低价吗?还是开盘收盘价的比较? 请问the Riding strong on the sugar 请问这两句话哪句是对的,第一句If I had accompanied you to Hong Kong,this would not have happened.第二句If I had accompanied you to Hong Kong,this will not have happened.个人认为是第二局,但又不确定,如果有人知道可以 The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school.He__1__me with a puzzle-all because he waved to me like someone does__2__ seeing a close friend.A big,__3__smile accompanied his wave.For the ne 谁有[初中英语阅读阅读理解与完形填空100篇(七年级)]的答案,我要阅读的答案.谢了,我急,要上学了. 为什么表示年份用公元XXX年?而不是其他比如西元XXX、东元XXX? 高悬赏50分帮忙讲一讲37题,详解为什么d不行.38.A.bored B.nervous C.worried D.angry40.A.pages B.books C.copies D.papers41.A.a success 英语两句合一句David doesn't like the film.Simon doesn't like the film ,either.________David nor Simon ________the film. 英语两句合为一句I didn’t know .Where is your ID card?I didn't know ______ your ID card______.两个空填什么 Mr.Smith was walking on the street last Sunday evening.A good-looking young woman met him and said,"Good evening".But Mr.Smith couldn't r__1__ who she was.He didn't know her.He was much surprised and didn't know w__2__ to say.Then the woman knew that 第2小题如何计算面积? 完形填空英语急service rapid come decide before difficultskill describe suitable arrive easy attractive in 1996 when my husband and i lived in suzhou, china, shopping for suitable uniforms was not 51 . seven days ago, when we had a 1.Did anything dengerous happen in recent days?中 in recent days 的近义词A.not long ago B.in the present C.in the future2.cake,like,would,another,you连词成句3.clubs,to,the,we,about,all,want,learn连词成句4.power,machine,of,uses,this,only,