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英语翻译负离子袜、竹纤维袜、大豆袜、苎麻袜、五指袜、暖足袜、远红外袜英文翻译. 袜子的英语单词怎么写?必采 袜子翻译成英文是? 袜子英文怎么说? 袜子用英语怎么写轻快 袜子用英语咋读 他的袜子是红色的用英语怎么读 袜子的英文单词是什么? 这双袜子是你的吗?英语 一些白色袜子翻译成英文 英语翻译我的老师今天穿着一双白袜子.my teacher( )( )( )( )( )( ) today.我们有红色,白色和绿色的包只售18元.We have bahs ( )( ),whirt and ( )for only 18.. 我的老师今天穿着一双白袜子 用英文怎么说 My teacher — — — — — —today 我要婴儿袜和婴儿鞋怎么读?(用英文, 英语翻译 英语翻译1.太阳下上了,夜晚降临了.2.老人们被政府照顾得很好.3.他们从不吃肉,他们是素食主义者.4.政府已经通过法律来保护他们.5.过去,在美国有许多的海牛. 英语翻译1,my shoes are made from rubber.2,paper is made into book.3,my watch is made of metal.4,plastic is made into pencil-case.5,my mother necklace is made of silver.6,the bag is made in my hometown.7,grape is made into wine. 英语翻译As you can see your marketing dollars will go further if you use it to build,nurture,and develop your customer relationships.1、这里的as引导的是什么从句?主句是什么?2、翻译全句? 英语翻译Had he been other than what he was,the wizard would have perished there,the meal of savage,saber-toothed creature with four gleaming green eyes to go with its eight,clawed limbs.句子如上,求翻译,并求本句的句式.第一句的had 英语翻译1、好几名同学要求放学后留在教室里(many a)2、这次旅行对他以后的人生很有影响.3、我将替她出席会议(place) 英语翻译Much of social interaction consists of identifying and selecting among appropriate statuses and allowing other people to assume their statuses in relation to us.This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a consta 英语翻译The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter,and change throughout life.Most of us can,at a very high speed,assume the statuses that various situations require. 英语翻译1.This study provides apsycholinguistic account of L2 word-meaning inference during reading,andaccount which focuses on the contribution of phonological-decoding efficiencyin readinng comprenhension and word learning as well as on the cro 英语翻译Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we “fit” in society.As we go about our everyday lives,we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their statuses. 英语翻译1 it contains a chemical againest infection2 but once you're safely behind closed doors,din't just cry 3 it forms in response to the stress on the surface of the eye3 if you find yourtself near some one cryijng,deal with it4 it's good not 英语翻译A PR person is expected to be an “idea” person who can invent countless promotional ideas and devise imaginative cross—promotional strategies.Not all his or her ideas will work. 英语翻译Using gold as a sensor in this way could never have been predicted from what has known about gold in bulk but being very small can lead to some very big changes. 用英语翻译句子,如下:前些天有架飞机飞离了轨道,坠毁在太平洋.天气很快就变得冷飕飕,鲁迅把书盖在身上保暖.火灾一发生,记者就抵达了现场. 急求!谢谢! 英语翻译1.我了解你的东西很少很少,不足以将你读懂.2.你们能彼此了解彼此,你可以看到喜欢的东西和她说,而我在你们面前,仿佛就像是小孩子般. 英语翻译after being offered the position i was completely astonished .i was completely astonished.i remember shaking with excitement翻译 英语翻译风害易导致作物折枝、倒伏、落花、落叶、落果;寒害易导致作物干枯、诱发病变,如荔枝遇低温霜冻易导致炭疽病发生;旱害易导致作物萎蔫、发育不良等.还有一段很长的,麻烦再 英语翻译尊敬的签证官先生您好:我此行一人,经澳大利亚的悉尼前往瓦努阿图的维拉港.中国公民去瓦努阿图有免签证待遇.特做此书面证明. 苹果英语怎么说呀!急