
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:01:53
我知道画龙点睛的道理 画龙点睛说明的道理是什么 画龙点睛从中使我们明白了什么道理 我的名字叫 马明 帮我取个英文名? 改错 Tom don't feel it boring to watch the football match 你回答过的一道题Tom,I am watching a football match.what about you?A.So do I B.So am I C.So I doB首先排除,但是为什么C不能选? 谁能帮我取个英文名啊?我的名字:我一直很想要一个英文名,但自已不会取.我的名字: 是fail in the match 还是fail the match bob is not promised to join in the football match____ he has to help his parents on the farmA、ifB、asC、unlessD、when 英语翻译”我心懂用心” 翻译成一句英文企业标语(我心懂用心)...请大家要围绕”一个企业或公司的口号,来广义上来翻译这句话. 要有真实的意义 (((注:是服务型公司,而非 名言警句 久练成钢,前面是什么? 芮成钢 座右铭出自哪本书? 久练成钢的前一句是什么 芮成钢的座右铭 英语翻译芮芮的座右铭翻译:The test of a first rate of intelligence is to have two opposed ideas at the same time and still retain the ability to function. 有关描写普通事物却蕴含深刻道理的文章就像丰子恺的《手指》 全球第一大硬盘制造国今天看新闻说泰国被洪水淹所以导致硬盘及PC行业集体涨价,新闻里说泰国是全球第二大硬盘制造国,那第一制造国是哪个国家呢? 全世界面积第二大的国家是哪个第一大又是谁? 世界上第一大说英语的国家,世界上第二大说英语的国家,世界上第三大说英语的国家,分别是哪些国家, The boy was a( ) to swim when he was very young. I remember everything as if it ---------(happen )only yesterday填happened还是had happened?答案是happened,为什么?我觉得也应该用had happened呀。 14岁从3米高跳下来会怎样 my son could__himself when he was very young.A wer clothes B dress C have on D take off为什么不选A呢? 在60米高的地方跳下去会死吗腰上捆了59.5米的绳子 the boy was able to ____himsely when he was very young.A.dress B.wear C.put on D.be in The boy was able to ___ himself when he was very young A.wear B.put on C.dress D.in 请问英文参考文献,文章标题里可以写问号吗 I remember【 】the book to you yesterdayA to give B give C to giving D giving 文章题目中能否有数字 I remember that i haveposted the letter yesterday.(同义)I remember _ _ _yesterday.填三个空 ---Remember the first time we met ten years ago? ---Sure. __ it happened only yesterday.A even if B as though C unless D since 难忘的寒假生活600谁有600字的难忘的寒假生活 发来给高分