
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:04:23
in the second place,if new teachers and doctors are coerced to work in the countryside,a considerable proportion of them may find it daunting when it comes time for them to relocate to cities after a few years in the country. 我要(孟子·梁王上)的解释就象···孟子见梁王.王曰“叟··何必曰利孟子见梁王.王曰“叟!不远千里而来···到何必曰利?”一定要很详细的,现在等用,各位帮个忙·······谢了. 《孟子梁惠王上》中,孟子认为增加人口的措施有哪些 Arcade什么意思 帽子上dope是什么意思 Perhaps he went home early.可以这样说吗:Perhaps he had gone home early.若不能为什么perhaps是猜测的意思,可以同may互换,可为什么能这样表达呢He may had gone home early. He slept badly.这句话怎样不完全爆破,p后面有t,t后面又有b.该怎样读,最好把完整的音标也写下来.我要的是连读,不是单个词的读法.还有在音标里有/t/和/T/的发音,这两个有什么区别,谁知道告诉下 新概念,第一册,113课-116课的词汇(要中文),和81课的课文,也要中文必须今天给我, I think the dog looks i_____ Ma Lin's.在横线上填词,首字母是i.谢谢! 新概念2第81课82课难点答案 Perhaps we didn't contact is in the middle of the night is always miss 1.The sun is the strongest in the middle of the day .2.The sun is strongst in the middle of theday. 梁王是怎么死的 I think the park are lovely.so ( )I.A.am .B.do C.have 汉武大帝梁王是怎么死的 PADS的颜色设置各是什么意思 sticking pads什么意思谢谢1楼,不是行业的,可不可以理解为可以粘贴的便签条 ___ do you think of our performances?选择 1.when 2.how 3.where 4.what 急求一篇大学演讲稿.英文的.how to treat online game A lazy youth ,a louzy age 的意思是什么?我是个好学者,麻烦指教 An idle youth、a needy age. 请问R$是什么货币单位符号? An idle youth,A needly age! an idie youth,a needy age! 英镑符号后面加个m是什么货币单位? (1/2)Some times lfeel so inseaure And love so disfanf andobsaure Remains 困于心衡于虑而后作的后一句什么? 困于心,衡于虑 是在还是被,还是什么的... The sky is beautiful and blue.But people are fickle and smile is false怎么翻 开黑打匹配 有的下跳250房 求翻译成粤语 in search bug in search of a windshield