
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 17:00:25
高三2个英语单选1.Hang on!I __smell something burning in the kitchen.答案为can 为什么may 不行.2.These days the quiet and graceful woman seldom speaks aloud.in the past she __about thing annoying thing.答案为would have augued,但我 英语高三试题单选>. 一撮灰,撮读音?一撮毛,撮读音?速回答 灰黯,用拼音怎么写? 改病句,通过这次学习,使我收获不少 修改病句 快考试了,应该更加刻苦地 学习. "十年树木,百年树人"出自谁的名言?(如题 用一根12cm的铁丝围成一个矩形框架 则矩形框架的最大面积是2cm 用它围成一个矩形 矩形面积最大值是多少 I was very ________(surprise) to see that there was an "A" in my report card.She said she _________(have) an important meeting at that time.I didn`t say I ________(can speak) three languages .When he _________(come) to see me .I was having lunch 1.If I get e_______ exercise,I'll be healthier.2.I looked for my lost key e______.Finally I found it was in my bag3.What are the reasons for _______(be) a lawyer?4.That sounds ________ a great idea.(介词填空)5.It seems boring to be an engineer. 几道初二的英语题.急 -3-用所给动词的适当形式填空.go, rain , help , talk, finish .Yesterday I ______ with Marcia for 15 minutes on the phone.-Where is Miss Wang?-She _____ Sally ith her Chinese in her office since 8 o'clock.It ____ sin2x在二分之派到0的极值 求定积分(1-sin2x)^1/2 上限派/2,下限0 水蜗牛和蜗牛有什么区别 水蜗牛吃啥? 我是一名外国留学生,请你们帮我修改下边句子里的语病,还需要其语病的解释.1.为了防止这类交通事故不会再次发生,我们已经要求有关部门进一步加强交通安全的教育和管理.2.请您帮我挑一 英语翻译 用带有way的短语填空(新概念2 Lesson5)1、______ from Athens to London,the plane stopped at Rome.2、I cooked this ______ you sowed me.3、______ where is my coat.4、Yes,______ he has been very successful.5、Children get ______ during th 用带有WAY的短语填空1.Yes,( ) he has been very successful.2.Children get ( )during the holiday.(比如in the way;on the way;in this way;by the way;in a way,可适当变形) 历史唯心主义属不属于形而上学唯物主义? 超右脑记忆法是什么 把一根长度为14cm的铁丝折成一个矩形,这个矩形的面积为12cm²,则这个矩形的对角线长是____ cctv央视频道演的蝎子 蜈蚣养殖视频,是真的有那么好养吗,广告是真的吗?对播放的信息负责吗? 形而上学唯物主义的主要局限有 A、唯心史观 B、不可知论 C、机械性 D、二元论多选题我只知道C是正确的,其它就不敢确定了.希望各位专家们多给意见.最好能说出理由. 根据首字母填字1.I have a toothache,i have to see a d_____.2.What's the matter with you?I have a s_____ throat.3.it's important for us to have a healthy lifestyle,too eat a b_____ diet4.My English isn't good enough,so I must try my best to i___ 首字下沉的这个字母是哪个字母?这是什么字体? 五个字的英文字母,麻烦给几个第一个大写,其余小写,有什么含义也麻烦打下, 一个长方形如图所示,恰好分成六个正方形,其中最小的正方形面积是1平方厘米,求这个长方形的面积? 班级风貌,(就是班风.学习情况之类的,要写演讲稿,给点提示 本集合A是由1,K²,K²+K+2为元素组成的集合,求实数上K的取值范围? 作为班长如何形成良好班风发言稿 一个直角三角形 两条直角边分别是6cm和9cm 沿一条直角边旋转一周后 得到一个圆锥体 求