
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:06:59
汉译英:这次事故给了他一个教训,从此他在也不会酒后驾车了.汉译英,答案一定要对. we would like some water(改成一般疑问句) would you like(we would like some water(改成一般疑问句)would you like( )water 高一英语题(首字母填空)快,是今天作业1.costumers are not s to smoke here.2.visitors are not allowed to t the exhibition .3.e what this word mean to us .4.the doctor in c was a tall man .5.we i mr.meek has a new phone numder and he loves it because the extension(last four digits)has the middle two digits the same,just like his namethe repeated digit also happens to be the same as the first digit of mr.humdle's new extensionand the first d 英语翻译The polar and equatorial diameters of Neptune are 49528 and 48600 kilometres respectively.the difference,to the nearest kilometri,between the circumference around the poles as opposed to the equator isA.2913 B.2914 C.2915 D.2916 翻译 I bought many cute gift for my parents and friends,I guess they would like them. we play football afternoon school.变为一般疑问句 I will play football on saturday afternoon.(变为一般疑问句) In the afternoon I often play football at sixteen thirty变为一般疑问句求大神帮助 let't play football this afternoon 改为反义疑问句反意疑问句 山顶洞人的生活习性和发现地点和发布地点是什么? 鸟的生活习性有什么, 谁知道海洋动物的各个习性?快点告诉我啊!快点告诉我咯! it was under the tree that you were taliking to your friend.等于it was the tree where you were talking to your friend.那有没有 it was under the tree which you were talking to your friend.under which =where这样用可不可以,为什么? (1)--Was it under the tree ----- you were away talking to a frirnd?-- Sure.But when I get back there,the bike was gone.(2) Was it under the tree ----- you put your bike when you were away talking to a friend?A that B where C which D while怎样选? who p( )whit millie under the big tree?who in your class is your b( )friend?we must do morning e( )carefully.it's good for our health. 英语翻译摘要:采用自制的新型磷系阻燃剂对尼龙6进行阻燃研究,以氧指数和水平垂直燃烧评价了其阻燃作用,以拉伸强度、弯曲强度和冲击功评价了其机械性能,以热重分析仪评价了其热分解 英语翻译《世说新语》作为一部主要记载魏晋言谈轶事的笔记小说,被鲁迅先生称为:“一部名士底〔的〕教科书”.其中的名士形象历来为后人所研究.然而其中的权臣作为书中个独特而又重 英语翻译摘要:金属打包机主要应用于回收加工行业及冶金行业,将各种金属边角料、钢刨花屑、废钢、废铁、废铝等金属原料挤压成长方体、圆柱体等各种形状的合格炉料.便于储藏、运输 做一些课外练习英语怎么说放学后我经常做一些课外练习用practise还是practises 课外练习用英语怎么说~ A friend is a present which you give youerself 是谁的名言 I really like the present which you give me的回答 give present to your friend 的同义句 who do you yhink____( give) him the present?his best friend did. ______are you going to give the present to?A.whom B.whose C.what D.which 洋务运动、戊戌变法和辛亥革命都以失败告终,造成这种结局主要原因是什么? 洋务运动与戊戌变法以及辛亥革命的失败的根本启示是什么 The movie was very interesting.同义句:The movie was__ __ __interesting. Don't play football in the street (反义疑问句)Don't play football in the street ( A:won 't B:will you C:do you D:shall we what do you think about china what do you think about china 与how do you .有什么区别?我就是想知道为什么用WHAT 而不用HOW