
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 12:43:15
After he had finished reading the text,he went on-----the housework.went on 后面应该填doing还是to do? 用恰当的代词填空 (I my he his she her your)This is a boy .____is Tony .I am ____friend.Linda is my sister .____is ten.I am ____brother.____first name is jack.____family name is Smith.What's___first name?____first name is millar .how do yo your she my his 四个词语的区别? 木兰诗“昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵”中的“大”准确理解是什么? 昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵 表达了作者怎样的思想感情 昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵.翻译? 下列物理现象中属于光的色散现象的是 A霓虹灯的五光十色 B彩色电视机画面五彩缤纷 C色彩丰富的水彩画d水面油膜上呈现的五颜六色 求文档:光盘版航海英语题库 here are two magazines you can hav ____of them ,but you can't have them both A.all B.either C.neither D.none But we have stooped using both of them.的意思 I ride a bike. I usually ride a bike () (). How long did the English exam last How long will the meetng last?last在这是指什么意思 写成语:砌墙的砖头--(),小孩玩跷跷板--(),单口相声--(),糖的广告词--(),节日放焰火--() what did you do last stunday?(study english)根据括号里的提示回答 零存整取(打一个词语)是什么 How many hours do you sleep a night 请再用英文来回答 How many English songs ____ you ____(study) this term? 作文700字 记一次愉快的假日 How long____you ___(stay)there. 这是我的英文名Alice L.Wang这样可以吗? There is a tree over there. over there做什么成分啊?谢谢了 Is there a cat on the tree纠错 两个分数相乘,正好等于两个数相减,这两个数是几?请你举两个例子 两个分数相乘等于两个分数相减,像这样的分数还有哪些 两个分数相乘等于这两个数相减,这是什么规律例:2/3-2/5=2/3*2/5=4/15 两个数相乘等于两个数相减的例子 《梅花魂》 中的外祖父漂泊他乡,虽然已经满头银发,但仍保持着梅花的秉性,被这种思乡浓情感动之余,我不进想起了这样的名句: since more than five decades now这句话怎么翻译好? More than sixty years____since the couple got married.为什么不用has passed 而用have passed时间不是用单数吗 星星究竟离地球有多远?