
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:37:09
Facing to you without any sense of shame怎么翻译 优秀士兵 THE GOOD SOLDIER怎么样 Brand has been a good soldier for the Sixers 鲁滨孙漂流记中,我为了生存,采取了哪些措施? 鲁滨孙在荒岛上采取了什么措施? 鲁滨孙在岛上生存了多少年?请说出根据好的话还可以追加份哦 鲁滨逊在岛上居住了多少年 compare and contrast essay 关于 international recognized hotel和small local hotel 大仙救命吧 李成梁和努尔哈赤的关系李成梁不是杀了那么多努尔哈赤的亲人吗?为什么他们的关系还有点好? compare-contrast essay.要写 关于healthy ways to lose weight和unhealthy ways to lose weight的比较.有哪几个点 可以拿来比较呢? 组合名,其中需要有英文的,中文也给几个, when she reaches the top of a mountain. any后面的为什么是reason不是reasons she was unhappy when she lost a chance to win the medal.改为反义疑问句 Without any reason 请问这是什么意思? someone to call when she got lostto call是目的状语? without giving any reason.reason 不是可数名词嘛?为什么 这里不用负数呢? 明朝李成梁和戚继光谁更会带兵,谁更会单挑 辽东铁骑VS戚家军 谁更强那就凭战绩和世袭谁更强 Compare and contrast General Administrative Management theories and Scientific Management theories摆脱!是要整体分析~中文意思我当然知道啦 选择适当的代词填空 [he she her me my them your our its you}where did you go on()holiday?()is a girl.()name is amy.look at(),boys and girls.we love ()English teacher.I am going to tell()the good news tomorrow.Tom played ping-pong with he,his ,she ,his ,our ,mine ,us ,you ,your,him,its,me,they,their等等一些代词,不会用,搞不清楚?这些代词不知道怎么用,总是用错,非常苦恼,知道 的给讲一下吧,越精悍越好,谢谢了 用名词性物主代词,造八句(my和mine)一组(our和ours)一组.例:The pen is mine The is my pen可以造一组!我套就行了! but for ,in spite of .,apart from except for 的区别请问他们的区别还有他们都连什么句子.请说的细一点谢谢eg:()Their difference ,the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other .应该选他们四个 a except for b in spite of c apart from d instand of 选什么 为什么 考什么 怎么区分___the layers ,volunteers from the libyan red cross society also joined the efforts in helping the chinese go home safety I...have to get...use to it.中文什么意思? use to describe something (中文) use to do sth.的中文意思 戚继光是个怎么样的人?材料一:“封侯非我意,但愿海波平.”材料二:“一年三百六十日,多是横戈马上行.”材料三:“遥知夷岛浮天际,未敢忘危负中华.” ——戚继光《马上行》(1):根 the hurt is always easier to say than care In fact you don't know me.In fact ,you don‘t understand me .请问外语专家2句的区别是什么? How to 我下的无双蛇魔修改器出来这句话!然后按R还不好使! how to use