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小学六年级寒假乐园作业的答案 很麻烦的问题.麻烦整理一下英语语法填空常涉及到的语法.要详细注明规律或原因.可以慢慢回答,我尽量不那么快采纳.(英语很差的我,要的是质量啊.)鞠躬~重说:整理一下英语语法填空常 英语翻译是这首歌的中文歌词,不是这句话.有好的话我还会给分 we were not as happy as you are today 翻译 英语翻译In our lives,pain and suffering is the key to all windows,and sometimes even represent growth,without it,there’s no way of life.We can’t avoid difficulties or problems.So,next time you are are faced with a problem or difficulty,rememb 英语翻译:We must think of the homeless as people,notjust as problems.谢谢! 请翻译:Too often we think of witnessing as something we do,when we are not where we are at. “风声,雨声,读书声,声声入耳”说明( )和( )都能发声;( )能传播声音;人接受声音的感觉器官是( ).某同学在你面前上下挥动手臂,挥动频率是每秒十次,你( )(填能或不能)听到 用"not... so ...as"造句 英语造句,用as.as问,用not as.as回答julis/anna/hard working2.julie/mary / senous3.my father /my mother /play tems well4.mike / tom / talk loudly5.tina/tara/outgoing 请用not.so much as.造句,并说明意思? not as as 造句 用not so much……as造句?可以的话就优美一些的- - 初三几题英语提 空着的那几道 Now it's nearly half past six,and we have a little time (leave) to catch the last bus.在问号处用括号内单词的正确形式填空.而且要有解释答案是left,我一点也不明白为什么用left,left表示被动,不是应该翻译成"被 翻成英文: 这件是中号的/小号的/大号的 英语翻译主要是“各两件”怎么翻译? 大号;中号;小号;用英语怎么说? 英语 翻译 not so...as 英语翻译It is not so much the language as the cultural background that makes the book difficult to unde麻烦别从网上找 问几道英语时态题.用动词的一般现在时完成下列句子.按要求使用主动语态或被动语态.1.This new hall ___ (seat) five hundred people.2.That knife ___ (not cut) well.3.This new pen ___ (write) well.4.These apples ___ (well) 几道英语时态题1.Great changes_____in the city ,and a lot of factories______.A.have been taken place have been set upB.have taken place have been set upC.have taken place have set upD.have taken place were set up2.I_____for the jewelry shop,for 请教几道关于英语时态的题Tom was disappointed that most of the guests left when he had arived at the party.(为何用过去完成时)I don't really work here.Iam just helping out(为何用现在进行时)I don't think Jim saw me,he was 电网覆冰导致断裂、倒杆,造成供电危险,2008年南方某地雪灾中电线结起冰柱,原先直径为2CM的铝电线结冰直径达到了10cm,若相邻两点杆间的电线长度为50m,回答下列问题:(p铝=2.7*10的三次方kg/m 几道英语时态题目求助- -||1.____you____(listen) to what l am saying?Do you understand me?2._____(travel)in Shanghai ____(change) a lot.3.I _____(freeze) when l saw the accident this morning .He suggested we _____(take)the children to the zoo What will you be doing at eight tomorrow morning?这句话,可以写成What will you do at eight tomorrow morning?为什么,后面这句有没有语法问题,应当如何翻译?What do you do at eight tomorrow morning?与上面的两句有什么不 I hereby certify that XXX,a student __1__ in XXX at XXX University,__2__ __3__our company from June 15,2011 to September 5,2011 and January 18,2012 to March 3,2012.这里的1应该填has been majoring 还是majored?2 应该天had worked 还是has wor 我宁可呆在家里也不愿意去看电影.(翻译英文) 为了测定声音在钢铁中的传播速度,取一长664米的钢轨,在其一端用铁锤沿钢轨方向敲击一下,在另一端听到两次声音,第一次响声是由钢轨传来的,第二次是由空气传来的,记录两次响声相隔的时 有一个重为2N的金属管,口朝上放入水中时有2/3的体积浸没在水中,如果在筒内装入100平方厘米的某种液体后,在放入水中,金属管有1/15的体积露出水面.求 1.金属管的体积?2.金属管内液体的密度? 用英语写一封请求信you are a history teacher at a high shcool,you se an ad at the local newspaper to intraduce the local museum which concides with what you teach.now write to the museum officer and tell them that you want to bring your stude 请求帮忙写一封英文信件在网上看到一个美国人的个人网页,对他的作品很感兴趣.可是在网页上只能打开部分他的作品,还有的就是“该页面无法访问”.他在网页上留下了他的邮箱.我希望他