
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:39:29
会计术语“计提”用英文怎么表述会计分录借:管理费用 贷:应付工资摘要:计提工资请问“计提工资”用英文怎么表述有朋友用了accrued,我觉得这是一个形容词,如果“计提”作为动词 Language belongs to each member of the society,to the cleaner ___ to the professor.[A] as far as [B] the same as [C] as much as [D] as long as、后半截怎么翻译? Language belongs to each one of us.Language belongs to each one of us,to the flower seller as much as to the professer.这里的as much as,为什么不能用the same as代替呢?请讲一讲语法依据~ 求文档: I really don't think language belnges to each of us,to a flower seller___to the professor,_I really don't think language belnges to each of us,to a flower seller___to the professor,___?A.as much as;does it Bthe same as;do I C.as far as ;d 求一份中国目前发射的所有卫星飞船记录表 请更新至2013年只要2012-2013年的就行了 我是166中田径队的(我5年级的),200米我跑38秒,明年参加东城区比赛能拿第几 顺便问问上届地1名几秒 Wait for a flower to grow 意思? wait for a flower to grow ,grow 前为什么要加toto grow 是动词不定式吗 for,flower,wait,a,to,grow(.)(连词成句) Wait _____a flower to grow. 一个长方体的表面积是336平方厘米,长和宽都是8厘米,求长方体的体积. 古代的皇帝会真正爱一个女人吗?皇帝基本上都后宫三千,有哪几个皇帝有过真正的爱情 《薛谭学讴》这个题目解释一下快! 爱停留此刻 英语怎么说 这道初二英语单选题为什么选A?Don't laugh at her.She is _____ any of the others in your class.A.as clever a student asB.as a clever student asC.so clever a student asD.so a clever student as 1.One of his parents is a doctor,( ) works in a school.A.another B.other C.the other D.the another2.Please bring me ( ).A.to eat something B.something to eat C.to eat anything D.anything to eat 需求增加意味着需求曲线向右上方移动,供给增加意味着供给曲线向右下方移动,对二者进行比较.这道题是书上的,我也不太清楚 英语单选题,Indeed,more challenges may arise.This is only natural _______ the fact that the Basic Law has been in effect for just a month.A.to give B.given C.giving D.having given 不改变分式的值,把下列分式的分子分母中各项系数化为整数 1.0.2x+y/0.1x-0.3y2.0.5x+0.25y/0.5x-1/3y 初二英语单项选择题(讲解更有可能得到分数)1.It's very nice _____ come and see me.A.for you to B.of you to C.from you to D.to you of2._____ a player,I'm looking forward _____ the 2008 Olympic Games.A.For;at B.As;to C.With;for D.Of 大一微积分问题如图,思路也行 第二题求解析,C 鲁迅读者最少的的文章 甲乙两个数,甲数比乙数的2倍多1,乙数比甲数小4求两个数 甲、乙两个数,甲数比乙数的2倍多1,乙数比甲数小4,求这两个数.(用两种方法) 2013年全运会会徽的含义 甲、乙两个数,已知甲数比乙数的17倍多95,乙数比甲数小1455.甲、乙两数各是多少? 2013年东亚运会在天津的什么地方举行 甲乙两个数,甲数比乙数的2倍多1,乙数比甲数小4求这两个数.(用两种方法设元、列方程并求解) 求800字作文 回顾2013就是平常的,不要关于国家大事什么的, 游美丽的天津 作文 800字左右 (不低于800字)谢谢了!小女子最近有一篇作文写不出来了!题目是关于游天津新貌.一篇游记.不低于800字! 初一数学导学案 急