
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 09:00:28
是否只要一级电离完全的酸就是强酸硫酸二级电离不完全,居然也是强酸? 有一种酸可以发生完全电离,可以证明它是强酸吗 酸的强弱和什么有关,稀盐酸为什么是强酸,如果和电离有关,那么有没有一种物质是沉淀,但它却是强酸 should he need an operation,she ___ (take) to the hospital.虚拟么,怎么个虚拟法? First,she ____ ___ ___ to the hospital. She doesn't need come to hospital today.中哪个地方错了,请指出来 ‘I've never been to the Great Wall .'改为间接引He said he . 转述疑问句:My mum said to me,"Have you been to the Great Wall?"My mum______me ___I____been to the Great Wall. A man was hit on the head by a thing falling down kilometers high altitude.But he didn't get hurt.猜一猜.A man was hit on the head by a thing falling down kilometers high altitude(几千米高空).But he didn't get hurt.Why? He got hurt in the war . 翻译拜托各位了 3Q 中强酸第一步完全电离?中强酸第一部完全电离吗?清楚的回答,不知道的别祸害人... He got hurt in the ganme last week改为否定句 He____ ____ hurt in the game last week it was said that he had been married to a man的意思? He got a k______ on the head when he fell. He got____in the battle A hurt B harmed C injured Dwounded People in China feel e____ at the successful launching of shenzhou 8 We belive that the launch of Shenzhou VII will be another (a ) in China. China‘s Shenzhou VII 英文怎么读 八角是什么 Ca(OH)2与sio2是否能反应 SiO2 Ca(OH)2 反应吗 SiO2+ca(oh)2反不反应?不反应说出理由~`` 烷烃的定义是什么?怎样判断一个物质是烷烃? SiO2+Ca(OH)2=Ca3SiO2+H2O 请问100g的二氧化硅要完全反应,需要多少的氢氧化钙,可以生成多少硅酸三钙?具体怎么计算的,最好能描述清楚, 正丁烷和异丁烷都属于烷烃?它们是同系物? 说说你对下面句子的理解 我像一匹饿狼,贪婪地读着. 右为近年全球直接对外投资流入图.图中信息对我国参与国际经济竞争与合作的启示是 ①不断提高抵御国际经济风险的能力 ②抓住有利趋势合理放宽外商投资准人条件 ③促进国有企 前全国政协主席李瑞环对我国政协组织的特点概括“说官亦官、说民亦民、亦官亦民、非官非民.”这里的“官”主要是指:(A)A.参政议政的职能 B.民主监督的职能C.统一战线的职能 D.政协 正,异,新丁烷怎么写? A and B;A as well as B;A with B 哪些是就近原则?如题所述,只要准确请大家准确回答,并举例说明,My father as well as me _____ to the church every day.(go)填空题 英语语法请教:下列单词as、of、for、with、by的用法? 国家为什么发行纸币要适当,如果发行过多(少)会带来什么后果