
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:13:27
请用见'这个词,仿照下面修辞手法写句子.清凉的山泉,你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?请用见'这个词,仿照下面修辞手法写句子.清凉的山泉,你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?汩汩的溪流! How ____ they are swimming!A.well B.good C.fine and they are very good at swimming in the "裹"的组词是啥?(至少三个) 有一首歌开头几句都有when什么什么,中间是you are.you are.中间有一句when feels the day ,.when keep me strong...是一个外国男歌手唱的,前面抒情,后面高亢,有人知道是什么歌吗? 老挝买的象牙项链和血牙手镯,国内值多少钱 用适当的形式填空1.What do your friends do?They're good__(swim)2.Jim,___(come) and play football with me.3.Would you like__(some) coffee?按要求改写句子;1.We often (make phone calls) to each other?对括号里提问What__you often__to ea Have you _____(finish)_______(wash) your clothes yet? u dont know what i feel in my heart now翻译 英语翻译 (翻译)学生每天都要按时到校. studebts need to get to school____ ____ every day. There are—monthes in a year.The—month is December“—”表示空 一空一单词 How are you getting along的答语是什么 自由人或自由职业者,用英语怎么说?应该有个专有名词,我现在知道一个,不是很满意,想听听各位的回答. 自由职业者怎么开翻译网店 自由职业者 用英语怎么说 How are you getting The house is too old.It requires_____.A to repair B repairing C repaired D repair 求翻译一段英文小诗!要有诗意一点,不要机器的.Every day,I can’t stop thinking of you.Every time,I’m waiting.Every moment,you’re my shadow on my mind,but everybody I saw in the clouds,isn’t you.When I shaped my life naturally, 台湾 有周杰伦 大陆有许嵩 可以这样说么?老周 太牛嗲 我们大陆也有牛人的 不要让他牛下去 Something is wrong with the tape recorder. It needs (repairing; repair). 这台电脑有毛病,需要修理. There is something wrong with the computer and it needs ___. 怎么选择座右铭我觉得很多名言都很好,但是我不知道该怎样选择适合自己的座右铭?人的座右铭也不可以改变,不同的时期是否会有不同的座右铭?有很多我都觉得很好,比较有感觉:(不一定 关于选择的名言名句3小时内速求 有没有must not have done的说法呀~如果有的话,请给我个例句~另外,在we must have done 的反意疑问句中什么时候用didn`t we?什么时候用haven`t we 注意是两个问题哟~ 对弈潮汕读法怎么读 It was different from the music classes I had had before.为什么需要两个had 英语翻译英文水平接近低平线 无奈 晟,潮汕发音 have you seen the things_______in the museumA.on show B.on showedC.are shown D.on showing "炜"的读音和意思?谢谢了 许怎么组词