
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:08:06
商君佐之,内立法度 商君佐之的之是谁 秦利 商君佐之 有什么结果 湖面无数坐满儿童的小船,在波浪上荡漾 怎样缩句? 湖面无数坐满儿童的小船,在波浪上荡漾.缩句的话应该是:小船在波浪上吗 number可不可数 keep alive time out啥意思,急 But that's not worth ..isn't it? reading articles like that ,if ____,will do harm to you.A continued B continues C continuing D continue为何不能用C呢 that's not true,isn't it 为什么用isn't it 而不用is it 反义疑问句不是要求前肯后否定 前否后肯定吗? To be or not to be ,that\'s isn\'t a question now! Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.这里it changes a little在句子中做什么结构,it指代什么?该怎么翻译. --l like reading --me to lespecially like the --- written by j.k.rowlinga\ homeworkb\ numbersc\ moviesd\ book说理由! “非淡泊无以明志 非宁静无以致”远什么意思? 形容安静的词语,意思是针掉地下都听得见的那个词语是? 意大利语 E stata molto gentile 中 stata 可否去掉,直接用 E molto gentile 意大利语MOLTO中的L是怎么发音的 意大利语hotel和molto发音请问这两个词里面的“l”到底是发“了”的音还是不发音呢? 风力发电站没有风时如何发电 下面的英语怎么做,写出你该说的话A tour has ost his cases and asks you for help.Ask him about the colour of them.You are with a group of students and have found2tickets.What do you ask the group?You give 2 or 3 books,for example,to someo 作文——当自己遇上了地震是自己这里遇上地震的作文, 怎样利用整理提高自身的素质和工作效率 月球为什么可以在天空飞 优秀作文的标准是什么 有谁知道《city that never sleeps》这部电影,JAMES CRUZ导演的,1924年,有没有相关的介绍啊? 好文章的标准是什么?急用!我要求简单明了的. THE CAPTIVE REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST 9怎么样 We should help with the____ of the less advanced countries.(develop) And the children starve ().Help should be given by the rich countries ,but rich countries have problems,(6).The air isn’t fresh and the rivers are (7)dirty to swim in or (8)water from .Also the roads are too crowded to drive(9). Benefiting each other is an international ____to help the developing countries in C.shape D.pattern 今年作文会不会写地震方面的?(例如:在灾难面前我们怎么面对?等等)面对突如其来的灾难,我们是否应吸取教训?是否应该有强烈的求生意志向?其实我们是否重视自身安全知识,是否能减少 Tony walks to school every school days.His home is a little far the school.修改2个病句,