
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 04:34:10
with,the,her,little,needs,girl,help,homework组成句子 这个女孩小时候跟随她父亲经常四处迁徙 The little girl ___ ___ quite a bit with her father when shewas a little child. The little girl cannot ____ the heavy box ,please help her.填什么比较好?为什么? Is your English teacher tall?No,she's a short.错在哪(your no 和a short)3选1怎么改对 波斯帝国、马其顿帝国、罗马帝国拿个更大?最好有版图 古埃及是被什么马其顿灭的还是波斯帝国?在几世纪? 请问历史上的马其顿帝国,波斯帝国,阿拉伯帝国版图是否都在现在的中亚一带.历史上这一地区是否还出现过其他帝国.马其顿帝国是不是就是亚历山大帝国,马其顿方阵也是亚历山大发明的吗? I have a new friend .He name is ROSE 改为同义句I( )a new friend( )ROSE 怎么造句 I / up / night / because / last/ late/ stayed/ (.) 为什么大陆增温和冷却的速度会快于海洋? Don't do to others what you don't like to be done to you. 由于___差异,大陆的增温和冷却速度快于海洋.海陆冬,夏季____速度明显不同,使呈带状分布的气压带被分成一个个高,低压中心 Susan is my friend.I like her very much 为什么这里要用Her 而不能用She 啊 以后该怎么用啊 希望师傅们教教我 给括号里的词的适当形式填空 1.I ____(have) a comic book 2.she____(have) a friend3.there____(be) some water4.there____(be) some sheep5.I heren,t ____(some) sisters6.I can see ____(some) flowers7.Do you have ____(some) books?8.Can I have __ 英语造句 用at last造句用at last造句 11.- Have you seen ___ pen?I left one here this morning .- Is it ___ black one 11.- Have you seen ___ pen?I left one here this morning .- Is it ___ black one I think I saw it somewhere .B.a ; a D.a ; the 第二个空不应该是特批黑色的那支 —Have you seen ________ pen?I left it here this morning.—Is it _________ black one?I think I saw it somewhere.A.a,the B.the,the C.the,a D.a,aA为什么不可以? ---------Have you seen ______pen?I left it here this moring.--------Is it_____black one?I think I saw it somewhere.A a,a B the,a she choose a kitten.she is very happy to have aet.判断:she is very happy to have a kitten. in the end的造句 负荆请罪 中的 负 与哪个词语中的 负 意思相同 1.负责累累 2忍辱负重 3忘恩负义 是负的意思相同 负荆请罪的意思 人的一生中,最美好的时光是哪一段 数学在线解答有19位战士要过河,可是只有一只船,一次最多坐4人.小船至少要运几次,才能将战士全部运过河 用船把三个僧侣和三个鬼运到河对面,船一次只能装两人,当一边的鬼的数量多于僧侣,鬼就会吃掉僧侣,如何把这6个人送到河对岸? Some students watch TV three ( ) four a week 这个选哪一个A.and times B.and time C.or times D.or time I have a writing task.It is to make a short stroy.No more than 1000words thank you! 13.I have no more letters ____ ,thank you. A. to type B. typing C. to be typed D. typed此题答案为C,为什么不选A,不是有笃定搭配have something to do固定搭配吗? Well,I'm sorry we have no more time.Nice talking to you.Thank you. 关于做人品质的名句要三句 急用! 关于做人的品质的名句 I can——(读)some story books on Saturday evening正确形式