
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:58:10
怎么补充ala ALA HOUSE怎么样 But she lives a long way off这个句子不是很明白,中文意思:可是她住在遥远的地方.live是vi off是什么词性? 英语翻译如题,请给出具体的城市、邮编、街道地址.具体地址信息如下:Oddzial Warszawski d/s Inwestycji Budowlanych 02-202 Warszawa.ul.Drawska 11 电话中48 和22 分别是什么?tel.fax(+4822)6596001,(+4822)6580239 英语翻译地址如下:ul.Pilchowicka 27,lokal 8b (entrance B) 02-175 Warszawa how was your school day?good.I had_____meeting加a,an,the? call call out "oh,I remember,"called out Ben.“We started this afternoon”这里的call call call out to do 请英文好的朋友帮我修正一下作文.today,I have a little bit think cooking myself is a little not请英文好的朋友帮我修正一下作文.today,I have a little bit think cooking myself is a little not necessary for now.Even food here Where’s my pen How strange It _ (be) here just a minute ago I realy miss I miss you ,i realy do . 怎样听英语广播最有效 基本听不懂 连线.一心一意 单独 一唱一和 一旦 一尘不染 刚,才 一鸣惊人 一点儿 一面之词 专一一见如故 数目一 一视同仁 同一一如既往 完全 (英语问题)听不懂还听,看cctv9的节目,多数明明听不懂,我却还能很有耐心的听下去,听懂一些就很高兴.想问下,这样有效果吗?我是否还是应该找合适我水平的听力内容来听?本人六级,过级很 鸟类为什么要迁徒 鸟儿迁徒属于科学活动吗 how long way it is 这个句子对不对,为什么? exotic什么意思 physical health是什么意思 ldeas for improving my physical health 什么意思 Physical discomfort.Being nursed back to health是什么意思 held的用法The meeting will be held from eight to ten.这个会议将从8点开到十点.这句话该如何解析? were 一意孤行 一潭死水 一见如故 一心一意 一碧千里 一鸣惊人 一无是处 独树一帜1.作“专一”讲的有:( )( )2.作“全”“都”讲的有:( ) ( )3.作“刚”“才”讲的有( ) ( ) 语法 were held fixedHe also decided that if an electric current in a wire could move a magnet,then if the magnet were held fixed,and the wire allowed to be mobile,then a current flowing in the wire should cause it to move.if the magnet were held fi 英语语法并列句讲解 if it is ture,it will be bigger.缩句,我把它缩成the ture,the bigger.可以么? 描写鸟的散文,最好是散文诗.可以原创单一定要优美!字数越多越好. Aren't the eggs and the milk enough? 黑云翻墨未遮山的下一句是什么?