
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 08:54:44
He was allowed to work in the factory at last,_____ success depended on his good attitude and patience.A.whose B.whatC.whichD.one's There ____(be) a lot of work to do in their factory last year. ABB形式的词语.如:头涔涔 泪潸潸 形容哭的ABB词语,如头涔涔、泪潸潸等等 彷写"头涔涔,泪潸潸"写ABB式的语,注意第一个字是名词,至少十个,越多越好(尽量是好一些的词语,别太俗、太幼稚)收到后请快点回复,全班都想不出…… 头涔涔、泪潸潸这两个词是什么意思? TEN ONE 翻译中文是? i was going to say something when Alice fell out,but ten dollars is ten dollars翻译 王蕾的英文名怎么拼写我很急用 I went s_____ of the city首字母填空s是什么单词? 英语翻译PVC colored boiled coated galvanized steel这是什么材料, tom lives by the lake.his mother thought it was d__ to swim in it. Twenty minutes later,he took a bus.同义句 ()()(),he () a bus. the reason he died so quickly is that he didn'tThe reason he died so quickly is that he didn't listen to doctor's advice.请问reason后面如果要有连接词的话,是that 还是why,为什么? “The stubborn boy didn't _____ so that he missed the chance”.The stubborn boy didn't _____ so that he missed the chance. A. take advice B. follow an advice C. give some advice D. ask for advice 为什么选A 有没有什么输入法 可以帮助英语拼写的我老是忘记单词的正确拼写.但是我知道该用什么单词,大概得写法也知道 有没有哪种输入法可以有提示 或是 联想功能来帮助用户回忆或血选择单词的 有首歌里有take a leap fate to the unknow .是什么歌 Xi’an is one of the oldest.(city)in China. 英语翻译The number of hits determines the ratings of a language.The counted hits are normalized for each search engine for the first 50 languages.In other words,the first 50 languages together have a score of 100%.Let's define "hits50(SE)" as the 英语翻译Assuming the prior user has not abandoned the mark ,an applicant cannot gain registration if the mark so closely resembles thar of the prior user that is likely to be confusing,deceitful or cause mistake.Since a likelihood of confusion is 英语翻译Abstract | Drawing | Description | ClaimsAbstractA mop (1) for dry or wet mopping comprises an elongated mop-holder (2) and a shaft (9),which is connected to the mop-holder (2) by a universal joint (7).The universal joint (7) has a first good good study day day up还有那些像这样的句子!就是把汉语用英语一个一个字的翻译!多给一点! 有没有复数 英语翻译01 The Burning Legion(燃烧军团)02 Shards of the Exodar03 The Sin'dorei04 The Dark Portal(黑暗入口)05 Origins(起源)06 Bloodmyst 07 Wastelands(荒地)08 Caverns of Time - The Battle for Mount Hyjal(洞窟时代-海加尔山战役) 英语翻译要中文的 . Never think of the road without ,I walk so hard 求翻译 never think (1)一份报纸的批发价是2.35元,零售价是2.5元,王阿姨一天卖这种报纸789份,王阿姨挣了多少钱?李阿姨一天卖这种报纸挣了90元,李阿姨卖了多少份?(2)王大伯今年收获了2.4吨苹果,其中一半以 一份报纸的批发价1.45零售价2.5元,王平想买一件50元的,他要卖多少报纸 一份报纸的批发价是0.85元,零售价是1元.李阿姨卖报赚了49.5元,他共卖了多少份? 英语翻译本项目合同金额为190204608元,是“五纵、六横、七条线”高速公路网络中“纵三”的重要组成部分.本合同段全长12.1公里(起点桩号为K0+000,止点桩号K12+100).全线有桥7座,合计长1519m, 打雷特响,闪电的时候能不能玩电脑?玩了有什么危害?