
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:51:32
根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词 英语翻译说以下特点吧~最好是典型点的 “当我回家时,我看见了一是狗”请大家用when与while翻译要区分when与while的不同是分别用when与while翻译上面这个句子 英语翻译1、 当我在看电视时,电话响了.2、 当我在掉鱼的时候,开始下雨了.3、当那富人在睡觉时,一个乞丐偷了他的钱.4、当小车正在拐弯的时候,它撞到一个小孩了.5、当他们在谈话时,公共汽 英语翻译1.当UFO着陆时,这个男孩正沿着街走.2.当外星人出来的时候,这个女孩正在购物 3.当老师进来的时候,我正在睡觉 4.当他洗澡的时候,他妈妈正在做午餐 5.当飞机起飞的时候,这个男士正在 如果b分之a=2,则a平方+b平方分之a平方-3ab+b平方的值为 设a>b>0,a平方+b平方-3ab=0则b-a分之b+a的值为?设a>b>0,a平方+b平方-3ab=0,则b-a分之b+a的值为?急! 一直b/a+a/b=2,求a平方-3ab+b平方/a平方-7ab-b平方的值一直b/a+a/b=2,求 a平方-3ab+b平方/a平方-7ab-b平方 的值 已知4x=5y x和y成什么比列 "上海市中级口译岗位资格证书”英文如何翻译 上海英语中级口译证书上写的英语名称是什么想知道这个证书的英文的名称是什么, While we were talking,the teacher came in.此句 可不可以用when代替while?while 在此句中可不可以用when代替?如果可以请讲讲理由,别复制一大堆那种when while的那个区别. when the teacher came in,the students were doing homework.的同义句,用while来改! While we were talking,the teacher came in想看看我的解释与各位的是否一样. when the teacher came into we were singing这句话哪错了? 拼音怎样学才可以学会? 若x-1/5y=y- 1/4x,则x与y的比是多少 若4x=5y,则x与y的比是() 如果4x=5y,那么x:y=( ):( ) 黑面包实验 为什么要先加水 做黑面包实验时为何闻到醋味? 黑面包实验的反应物是什么? We were listening to Jack _______ the text when Mr.Green came in.(read) 用动词适当形式填空 1 When I_____(come) in the room,he ____(see)me,for he ____(read)something.2 One day a little monkey_____(play) in a tall tree . A mother crocodile ______ (look)for food near the bank.3Later his parents found that h 1.When I()(come)in,he ()(not see) me,for he ()()read).Something with great insterest. 单句改错 I pretended to reading the text when he came in 请问在一个标志词为when的句子中如何区分用过去完成时还是过去进行时.eg:The play_____when we came in.A.was playing B.played C.had played D.plays 黑面包实验:浓H2SO4先使有机物脱水,生成黑色的C 请问化学方程式是什么?S是被还原降价的话,什么东西升价呢? was__in 1950__this happened?A)it,when B)that,that C)it,that D)that,in which Mr White works in an office.He liked reading in bed when he was at school. I was so tired that I ____ when I was sitting in the armchair reading.A . dropped awayB . dropped outC . dropped offD . dropped through 哪个正确呢?请翻译,非常感谢 Mr.White works in an office.He likes reading in bed when he was at school.It was bad for 1 and now he is near–sighted(近视的).But he would not want 2 to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses.It often 3 him some trouble.One winter mo