
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:46:10
矿泉水与纯净水有什么不同? --How long will you stay there?--For__.A.one and two days B.one and two day C.one or two day D.a day or two 希望得到详细的答复 .1.the team really looks good tonight because the coach had them ____ every night this week .A practising B to practise C practised D practise2.for these reasons ____ theoretical work has appeared on this subject during th 游泳池的长和宽是多少? 体游泳池,长50米,宽36米,深2米,请你算一算:(1)这个游泳池占地多少平方米?(2)在游泳池的底面和四壁抹一层水泥,抹水泥的面积是多少平方米?(3)在游泳池的内壁1.6米高处用红漆画一条水位线,水 一个长方形的游泳池,周长是200米,宽比长少20米,长和宽各多少米?计算歩骤. 一个游泳池长300分米,宽25米,这个游泳池的面积是多少平方米?列式计算 生活饮用水怎么选择?自来水好呢,还是别的如纯净水? 直饮水和生活饮用水的区别请问直饮水和生活饮用水除了在水质上的区别,主要是系统上有什么区别呢?例如过滤、消毒的要求有什么不一样呢?直饮水与二次供水又有什么区别呢? 请问喝自来水比喝纯净水有什么好处? 几个英语选择题,晓不得理由I wonder why Jenny _____ to us recently.We should have heard from her by now.(为什么填hasn't write 而不填doesn't write)-Is Jonh coming by train?-He should,but he _____not.He likes driving his car(为什 安倍的纯水机的水质TDS值的在什么范围?在农村用纯水机好吗? 0.4°=()′ 32°16′48′′=()° 2700′′=()′=()° TDS值在1800左右的水能用RO纯水机吗? 18*1/36÷ 0.5-√16+3√27*1/3÷ 3/4= 是几道完行填空,这是供选择的单词,下面要根据形式选择,麻烦大家帮我做下:swith be familiar with influence argument inspire conquer accomplish claim object explain0 1.The()that anyone can succeed in america does not hold w 英语高手进,选错误的一项I don't like the way ____ you speak to me A./ B.which C.that D.in which 请说明原因 1.The weather____A.wet and cold B.is wet and cold C.not wet and cold D.were wet and cold2.the apples tasted____A.sweets B.sweetly C.nicely D.sweet3.He got up ____ yesterday morningA.lately B.late C.latest D.latter4.The actor____ at the age of70A.dead 美的反渗透纯水机TDS为60,入水为100正常吗? 1.We can see some animals and plants in the park,but-----like what you'll find in the wild.A.everything.B.anything.C.nothing.Dsomething.2.The club ----menbers are all interested in collecting stamps was set up two years ago.A.whoseBitsC.which.D.that3 1.The park is a good place____fun.A.have B.having C.has D.to have2.Jim can't decide what he should do next.Jim can't decide______ _______ ______next.3.I really don't know what I'll say to him.I really don't know____ ____ _____to him. 原水TDS值高1500对纯水机TDS值有什么影响制出水TDS应是多少 She does well in English .( ) and ( )A、So does she ,so do youB、So she does ,so you doC、So she does ,so do you 我们这里水值800多为什么有的净水机出的TDS高有的低,我朋友家的杂牌机出的TDS是20多,我家的品牌机出的TDS是40多 买卡布西游号,冲霄100傲天100,7只万众瞩目.90~100的有17只 卡布西游傲天和冲霄哪个厉害 哪个牌子的净水器,过滤铅等重金属效果好? 哪种净水器的过滤效果好我家用的水是在地下80米深的井里抽上来的,家在北京东五环,黑庄户,不知道这样的水能不能喝,我想买个净水器,不知道哪种的好,请大家帮忙推荐一种品牌和型号,听说 我是来自山西大同的,我想问一下1、中央净水器最好的是哪个品牌?2 、全屋过滤选什么样的净水器好? 我想问一下买那种牌子的净水器比较好?可以过滤重金属的. 过滤净水器什么牌子好 英语 这些题我不会 (18 11:39:55) a lot,  ,  be absent,  have a rest, .   Who ________________ today?   We    work   for   alongtime.let's(